Can transfers stay over two years at a UC?

<p>I was silly and thought that you could stay as long as you wanted if you paid the university. Then I found out about the unit cap.</p>

<p>then I read somewhere on collegeconfidential that transfers can only stay for 2 years/4 semesters at a UC. So now my question is</p>

<p>Can we stay longer if we don't reach the unit cap? I would like to graduate with honors, which means taking at least 50 units (I believe). I also want to get my courses for medical school out of the way, but I am a sociology major, so it's not like I can focus solely on med school courses. If I have to be out in four semesters, I can kiss applying to med school goodbye.</p>

<p>really? i hadn’t heard about the unit cap.</p>

<p>what if we won’t be able to finish all the courses needed on time then? will we not be able to graduate?</p>

<p>At Berkeley, the unit cap doesn’t necessarily translate into a year cap. </p>

<p>[Planning</a> Your Years@Cal-Unit Requirements](<a href=“]Planning”></p>

<p>But the below page is confusing, which states that one can take more than 120 units as long as they graduate within 8 semesters total. I have many friends who have taken or plan to take a 5th (transfer)/9th (freshman enter) semester, so I don’t know. As far as I’ve been told, everything can be appealed.</p>

<p>[Degree</a> Requirement-Unit Requirements](<a href=“]Degree”></p>

<p>The engineering department, and possibly a few others, allows 3 years to graduate after transferring, since they require more units.</p>

<p>OP, did you say 4 semesters? that could mean even one year… thats confusing. do you have a link?</p>

<p>Sorry to hi-jack this thread, but I have the opposite problem… I can finish in one year (plus two summer sessions) after transferring.</p>

<p>I was wondering if this is recommended. Or is it looked down upon by grad schools or employers? </p>

<p>Anyone graduate a year after transferring? If so, what is your advice?</p>

<p>You can stay as long as you dont go over the unit cap or as long as you have approval to go over the unit cap. </p>

<p>Graduate when you are ready to graduate, if that is a year and two summers than knock yourself out, no one is going to look down on you.</p>