Can we decline enrollment ONLINE?

<p>I'm international and I don't want to waste all that $$... Besides, time is running out and I want to reply quickly... So..does anyone know how to decline the offer online? I can't seem to find the link.</p>


<p>If you're writing about declining an offer of admission, you can probably just ignore the offer. When the deadline passes without your response, the school will assume that you're not interested in attending next year.</p>

<p>Or in the alternative, I'm sure you can e-mail the admission's department with your decision not to attend the school.</p>

<p>Thank you. I was wondering if I can simply not reply and save my postage fees..</p>

<p>Anyway, logically, if schools don't receive my deposit they sure won't keep a space for me. =D</p>

<p>Why don't you just e-mail the admissions office? A regular letter is nicer, but an e-mail is better than just not replying.</p>