Can you avoid elevators at UM?

<p>I see pics of a lot of fairly tall buildings at UM. Can you attend and easily avoid elevators (if you HATE them), or would that be impractical at UM? It sounds like if you get a lower floor in the dorms, that could work out, but what about classes,etc....library, science building (looking at science related degrees)...</p>

<p>If is is possible to take the stairs instead, how common would that be, would you be the only one using the stairs? </p>


<p>Short answer, yes, during a normal school day it is possible to avoid the elevators. There are stairs in every building. You may have trouble during move-in though, if you’re that opposed to riding an elevator. They give you big carts to get your stuff from your car to your room, and lugging that thing up the stairs would be virtually impossible. Also, if you’re on, say, the 11th floor, taking the stairs every day could be a bit of a hassle, especially if you’re trying to get to class. But really, if your only concern about Miami is the fact that there are tall buildings, I think you’ll be fine.</p>