Can you be a bad*zz and a good student at the same time?

<p>My friend Miguel smokes weed on school days (even comes to class high sometimes), deals sometimes, yet he still gets good grades and got a 1530/1600 on his SAT after a summer of blazing. Does this happen a lot or is it just a city thing? (I live in Medford (near Boston)) I always wonder if Miggy didn't smoke and deal so much then he could be like really smart.</p>

<p>He’s smart because of the weed.</p>

<p>It’s your basic example of a post hoc ergo propter hoc conclusion.</p>

<p>Of course. When I was in high school I knew kids with GPAs of over 4.4 who would show up to class high all the time.</p>

<p>Although, weed can’t really be considered “bad@ss” anymore since pretty much everyone does it. If you’re talking about the type of kid who sets houses on fire and starts fights for no reason, that’s pretty rare but I guess it’s possible.</p>

<p>I used to smoke pot a lot.
My grades were the highest then.</p>

<p>I stopped smoking pot.
My grades have slipped (albeit, only by a few points).</p>

<p>I don’t think smoking pot enables you to BE smart, but it relaxes you and opens your mind up a lot, which enables you to take in (and soak) knowledge easily.</p>

<p>I started smoking pot a few months back. I’m not going to credit smoking pot with my grades going up; really, smoking pot has loosened me up, hanging out with stoners both lets me see how much smarter I am than them (lol) and also are easy to chill out with to lessen stress.</p>

<p>gpa before drugs : 1.7</p>

<p>gpa after drugs : 2.7</p>


<p>I don’t believe that pot makes you a better student, but I do believe it makes you a better thinker.</p>



<p>lol .</p>

<p>you can’t possibly be anything more than a worthless idiot if you say “bad*zz” in any context.</p>

<p>^ agreed mephist</p>