Can you change from Architecture into something else?

<p>i am applying as an arcitecture major,,</p>

<p>but there is possibility that i might have to give up the major because of financial reasons</p>

<p>then can i change into different majors at rice? or is it such a "closed" department that you have to stay in it once you got admitted?</p>

<p>The hurdles in the architecture and music schools are getting accepted under those programs, not getting out.</p>

<p>Rice won't "condemn" you to the major you chose when you applied. If being an ARCHI isn't for you (for whatever reason), you have complete freedom in choosing a different area of study. What usually limits people is time -- if they've put in a few semesters of study in one area and want to switch to a completely unrelated subject, it might require them to add on additional semesters past their initial four years or so; some feel it's worth it, others stick it out. Either way, it's an individual choice and one you could make if necessary.</p>

<p>Architecture, if I remember correctly, is a 6-year program where you get both a B.A. and a Masters. The only financial difference I could see, then, is the additional two years' tuition; otherwise, on a semester-by-semester basis, your major shouldn't make a difference in terms of cost. Having paid for my last bit of time at Rice out of my own pocket, I can understand that it's not entirely cheap. Do evaluate the financial aid package and, also, the fact that in 6 years you come out with a masters vs. a plain bachelor's degree in 4 with another area of study. To get the same education/degree(s) elsewhere might not be so affordable and it might be worth taking an extra loan to complete if architecture is truly your passion.</p>

<p>hi, im an archi at rice, and i can tell you that atleast one person every year drops out of the programme...sometimes even two. so dont worry, its been done before plenty of times. and you get a BA +BArch.</p>

<p>thanks wrprice and jim miny</p>

<p>wait.. u get two degrees?? BA and BArch??
and wasnt Rice a five year B Arch programme?</p>