Can you get accepted by primary but rejected by alternate choice?

<p>i'll be doing the primary/alternate admission plan with my primary being the college of engineering and my alternate choice being arts & sciences. is it possible to be accepted by engineering and rejected by the other. or is it possible to get accepted by arts&sciences and rejected by engineering... or do you either get accepted to both or rejected by both?</p>

<p>You won’t know that. There will only be one acceptance maximum. Your application goes through your primary FIRST. It is only possible to get rejected by primary but accepted by alternate, and not the other way around.</p>

<p>I don’t understand. You can’t get into both so why wouldnt it be the other way around?</p>



<p>If they don’t even forward your application to your secondary choice 95% of the time when you’ve been rejected by your primary choice, why would they forward your application to the secondary choice when you’ve been accepted by your primary choice? That makes no sense.</p>

<p>The second option exist to allow applicants a chance to express relative interest in a different college. I stress relative, because it is not necessarily a second choice, but an alternate option. If your primary college reviews your application and does not feel you application fully they will defer you, and you have to be deferred they will not pass along apps that are rejected, and pass you on to your second college if they feel that is a better fit based on your application. </p>

<p>So you have to be deferred by the first school to even be considered for the second.
So no you cannot be rejected by an alternate, and accepted by the first as if you are accepted by the first, the second will not even see your application anyway.</p>



<p>Please re-read my post or read TrackBabi17’s post. I think TrackBabi17 explained it extremely well.</p>

<p>i thought that the primary/alternate plan exists to allow students to pursue majors in more than one college… for instance, i want to major in mechanical eng and spanish so i apply primary to eng. and alternate to arts & sciences… or is that not the purpose of the primary/alternate option?</p>

<p>No, the purpose is to sort of give applicants another chance to go to Cornell. You apply primary to your first choice and alternate to a second choice/one you also are very interested in, just not as much as your primary. If you get deferred from the first (I think if you’re rejected you are out of luck), they send your application to the second school who will review you then, and make their decision. You get ONE decision and if accepted, it’s only by one school.</p>

<p>oh yeah i just read the site and you’re right… so how do you double major in different colleges? i’d imagine that’s possible somehow, right? oh and it shouldn’t hurt my chances at all if i choose to do the primary/alternate admission option… as in, the primary college won’t think that i’m any less interested in them by doing both, correct?</p>

<p>Some applicants are really qualified for a specific college at Cornell but for some reason apply to another college. The primary/alternate option is to give these applicants a second look. As you can imagine, the situations are rare. Most of the time, you are rejected not because you applied to the wrong college but because you just suck. Hence, most applicants who are rejected by their primary college will not get forwarded to the alternate college.</p>

<p>No. I said that you won’t get into your secondary if you already got into your primary.</p>

<p>This is not really worth arguing over…</p>

<p>so the answer to the question in post # 9 is???</p>

<p>There are only a few very special majors that cross over colleges and i don’t remember Spanish being part of any of them.
If you express interest in the arts and sciences college solely because of spanish, and then the engineering school solely because of mechanical engineering, whichever you put as a primary will not defer you to the alternate and will just reject you. </p>

<p>Here are some examples of applications that would likely be deferred to the alternate:
Computer Science in CAS might be deferred to CoE
Biology in CALS to Biology in HumEc or CAS
Government in CAS to ILR
AEM in CALS to Hotel</p>

<p>All these are interests that relate to multiple colleges, but the reviewer has to see potential in the application as a prospective for the alternate choice.</p>

<p>Btw…applicants are never told if they are deferred and still rejected. Obviously if you were accepted you would notice that you got into you alternate.</p>

<p>Does that make sense?</p>

<p>Here’s what happens: Your first choice college reads your app:
a. They let you in. End of story. The alternate never sees it.
b. They completely reject you. End of story. The alternate never sees it.
c. They don’t accept you, but think you’re worth the attention of the alternate, so they pass it along:
I. The alternate accepts you.
II. The alternate rejects you.</p>

<p>yes i understand the system… but NOT pertaining to the primary/alternate option–strictly speaking, is it possible to double major?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>above link (very long) gives the requirements for a dual degree.</p>

<p>wow thanks. that link was exactly what i needed… thanks mom!</p>

<p>oh well look at that it is possible!</p>