Can you get In-state tuition [ex. TX and CA] from OOS?

Some of the Texas universities do give an OOS tuition waiver with a merit scholarship of at least $1000. UT Austin and A&M do not do this, however.

For Texas A&M, you need $4k per year in eligible competitive scholarships to receive a non resident tuition waiver.


None of these will allow instate tuition unless the parents move to the state in which the college is located a year prior to seeking in state tuition status.

I think there is a price break for Minnesota residents who attend Wisconsin

I have to askā€¦what is the matter with the public universities where you HAVE instate status?

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You were very lucky.

There is one: get married. Itā€™s not feasible for most 18 year olds but it was sufficiently common at Berkeley to be picked up in the press:


California? No.

As for Texas, my D17 was accepted to UT Austin. Shortly after her acceptance, we started getting mailers from real estate agents that if we bought property there, we could get in state tuition for year two. We talked to some agents and the school, and it seemed to be true. Had she ended up attending, weā€™d have likely bought a condo where she and her friends could have lived and paid rent.

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Join the Texas or California National Guard, it will get you in state tution after a year, after two years you can use the GI BIll for tution.

I think that there are some other states that the NG gets you instate tuition. I believe that Wisconsin is one.

The CSUā€™s know this ā€œtrickā€, such that, there are caveats because so many students try to get residency:

The following documents must be submitted to show evidence of eligibility:

  • A statement from the studentā€™s commanding officer or personnel officer stating that the assignment to active duty in this State is not for educational purposes, and
  • Military orders, a letter from the unit commander or personnel staff, or other military service personnel documents showing the date of assignment to California, and
  • A copy of the servicememberā€™s orders indicating his/her assignment to California is a Permanent Change of Station (PCS).

Not cool trying to game the system. The Residency Determination Officers are very savvy at the CSUā€™s and UCā€™s. They would be able to figure out that an admitted ā€œfreshmanā€ student from OOS conveniently came to California to join the Guard and happened to apply to a state university.
They do make you pay back OOS fees if you are busted.


No way in Michigan. You have to have gone to HS in Michigan for at least 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. Or you have to be serving in the military on active duty or have a parent who is on active duty or a reservist who is living in Michigan.
Residency | Office of the Registrar.

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@HTTC24 so previous threads indicate you are from Virginia which has a bunch of really fine instate public universities where you will already qualify for instate tuition.

Frankly, I wonder why you are seeking a workaround for instate tuition where you are not currently a resident.


We did it because my mother was paying her tuition. Child also lived and worked and paid taxes in the state for all four years, so she was pretty much a resident.

In some states you may be a ā€œresidentā€ for all purposes except in state tuition.

For others reading this. The criteria this poster used for instate tuition status does NOT apply in the very vast majority of cases. Simply having a grandparent pay tuition and having the kid live and work in the state (not where the parents reside) will not entitle them to instate tuition status.

Soā€¦I would suggest not to expect that can happenā€¦even at UMD where this kid did this years ago.

Look on the college websites for residency requirements. Every college has this. If you donā€™t see a clear and easy path to establishing instate statusā€¦assume that this doesnā€™t exist. Or call admissionsā€¦and ask.


not quite sure i understand how this would work as a senior in high school applying - getting married. how would a kid do that?
Maybe take a gap year or semester - then go a little later on? But as a senior in high school, itā€™d be awfully hard to apply as a married person. . ā€¦

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wasnt there a thread here like 5 years ago or so about a family who got caught falsifying residency for tuition? SE US area? i think they got in big trouble. anyone remember those details?

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Bottom line goes back to @skieurope first reply - if it was easy everyone would do it.


Yes, the parent was arrested and charged with fraud.


This was posted in May.

Family connections used to be the go-to way to qualify for in-state tuition, whether it was a grandparent or a cousin or an aunt or uncle. But now there is really only one way to take advantage of your familyā€™s address for residency requirements, a parent living in the same state as the school

Yep. My sonā€™s friend ended up enrolling at University of Wisconsin in Madison, and his dad (single and divorced from his mom who is remarried with a kid with new husband) up and moved to Wisconsin so that they could earn residency for at least part of his time there. Thatā€™s what it takes and as it should be, to be fair. Itā€™s hard enough for us in CA to gain affordable admission at our own state schools.