Can you help me find a solution

<p>Actually, I will start off by saying that I completed the BSN program in August of this year. The program is a year long but during those times, I got student loans.. While I was registered for the summer class, I didn't know until halfway through summer school that I didn't qualify for the student loan and I didn't want to just drop my classes, because I had put so much time and effort into my work. So, why give up now?? To make this story short, upon completion, I owe the school.. With Christmas being around the corner, I'm not in a financial place to pay the college all at once, but what happens to my degree?? And the jobs that I get is based off my degree, but technically am I still considered having my BSN without the paper in my hand or is there anyway that my job can verify me having my bachelor degree, because I can't get the transcript??</p>