Can You Help Me?

<p>Hi! My name is Sammi, I am a high school student from America and I am doing a study for a research program at my school on the differences between Finnish and American schooling. If you currently live in America or Finland and are between 13 and 19, I would so appreciate if you might be able to take a few minutes to take part in my study. </p>

<p>Here is the link: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks so much! </p>


<p>When did the quality of mathematics education become so controversial? Math education in the U.S is apalling…</p>

<p>Agreed. That’s why I’m doing the study- to try and understand how we can make our system better.</p>

<p>Well, that was a long “survey”…</p>