Can you interview twice?

<p>I'm guessing the answer is no but just thought I'd try...
Anyhow, I know I bombed my interview (with alumni). I'd been prepping for weeks, felt super confident, and I got in there and completely mashed my words, didn't convey the person I am AT ALL and now I can't sleep (hence why I'm on this website right now...)
Anyhow, is it something that in the long run doesn't matter at all? Will they see I interviewed and think, "okay, she cares enough about this place since she interviewed" or will they read the report and go "oh wow, this kid is a piece of cardboard" and toss me in the reject pile? Say my essay is killer, do you think that can override a crappy interview? Already CC is a reach for me, but I really do love it and think it'd be a great fit for me--however, that I'm almost certain didn't come across in my interview.</p>

<p>(I'm on base camp now and there's an interview maybe an hour away and I'd be up for that, they also have online interviews)</p>