Can you move out of dorms second semester

If my DD would want to move into the sorority house can we be refunded for second semester housing payments? Anyone have experience with moving out second semester?
Thank you!

Is she a freshman or a sophomore/older?

Freshman @aeromom

I don’t think you can move out of the dorm for second semester. You might be able to move to a different room or dorm. If housing doesn’t answer you here, give them a call.

If you study abroad or coop, you can move out of the dorms second semester. Otherwise, even if you are not a freshman, you have to stay in the dorms.

Would a student who is classified as a sophomore or junior their second semester (due to AP and dual enrollment) be allowed to move off campus if they wanted to?

EarlVanDorn - No (unless a new housing policy gets put into place); in recent years, two semesters on campus have been required for incoming freshmen, regardless of AP/DE hours.