Can you please chance me!?

<p>Hey! I'm a new member to this website and was wondering if you all could rate my chances of getting into UMich. I understand that this is a BIG reach for me, but it's my top choice. Don't be afraid of being too harsh, I know my chances are very slim!! Lol</p>

[<em>] SAT I (by section): 1680 CR: 540 M: 630 W: 510
[</em>] SAT IIs: N/A
[<em>] ACT: 27 Composite 9 on the writing [I'm a horrible test taker]
[li] APs: 3 AP's, 5 Honor Classes.[/li][</em>] IBs:
[<em>] UM-GPA: 3.6 (here) on UM Scale it's about a 4.0
[</em>] Rank: Top 10% of a class of 760
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] ECs listed on app: National Honor Society (3 Years), Young Democrats Club (4 Years, Current VP), Muslim Student Association (4 Years), DECA (2 Years), FBLA (2 Years), Political Science Internship (This Year), Girl Scouts, Varsity Soccer (2 years)
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: Been working at a Children's Day Care for 3 years, Also volunteered on Obama's Campaign for 6 Months prior to him winning.
[</em>] Essays (subject and responses): Diversity-I wrote about how I have traveled to Lebanon while it was in a war with Israel. Book- I wrote about the Bible and how it was a challenging book to read as a Muslim. Major- I wrote about how I want to major in Political Science and how living 20 min from DC has influenced me and how I view the government.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Should be good. One of the teachers actually went to UMich.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Should be really good.
[<em>] Applied on: 10/31
[</em>] Hook (if any): My Uncle is a professor at MIT and wrote me a recommendation but to be honest I'm not really sure how that will work for me on my part.
[<em>] State or Country: Virginia
[</em>] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Large Public School (My school system has been voted number one in the nation two years in a row, I REALLY hope that helps)
[<em>] Ethnicity: White/Middle Eastern
[</em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I Hope my EC's Carry me to UMich!! I would die if I actually got in haha. Thanks in advance for chancing me & congrats if you got in!!!</p>

<p>hey yea im gonna be pretty honest
its gonna be a stretch to get in, but its definitely not impossible
did you apply already?
if you didnt, i would be SURE to</p>

<p>a) WRITE THE BEST ESSAYS POSSIBLE- get help! Ask english teachers to lend you an extra hand, and really take a lot of time to do the best you possibly could. They want to hear the real you, so make it really believable and make them stand out from all the others
b) RECOMMENDATIONS-yea this ones pretty tough to control, but really pick good teachers that know the REAL you, and be sure to explain how important these recommendations are to you, and really thank them for their time
c) RETAKE TESTS- yeahh i understand if you want to be done with them already, but honestly your scores are pretty low, and its the thing thats really hindering your chances. explain that your not the best test takers, and notify them if your going to retake them in december (i think thats the next test) and STUDY!</p>

<p>Ya I def know it’s a reach, but I already applied :(</p>

<p>I didn’t submit my SATs cause they suck.I also took the ACT three times and have gone from a 24 to a 27. I honestly think my essay’s are brilliant. I had many english teachers and english professors look over it and have given me tons of advice on it so I def think that is the best it can be and I am really hoping my recommendations are amazing! </p>

<p>Ahh i’m nervous! Dec 24th cannont come any sooner (I know I’ll be one of the last to hear since I’m in such a reach position)</p>

<p>yea then don’t worry too much
you did the best you could!!!</p>

<p>good luck :)</p>