<p>I have been reading the other threads and I received the deferred letter that says "send new grades if decision isn't made by end of 1st semester"(a.k.a # 1?). Does that mean that I don't need to send them if I don't want to? Or are they not going to review mine if they don't have my senior year grades?</p>
<p>i got the same deferral letter as well</p>
<p>and yes, its up to you whether or not you want to send in your senior year grades.</p>
<p>i’ve called the admissions, and they said that it will not harm our application if we dont send in our grades…and they will only make a decision on whatever info they already have.</p>
<p>i suggest that if you did much worse than the gpa that you originally had when applying, then dont send them in.</p>
<p>im in a similiar dilemma, and am not really sure what to do either</p>
<p>i had a 3.54 UM gpa (3.65 unweighted) when applying…and now i have a 3.0 UM gpa (3.6 unweighted). btw i took 4 AP’s senior year</p>
<p>What if my UM gpa was 3.33 before(3.43 UW) and I got 3.16 UM gpa (3.28 UW) senior year grades but with much much harder classes?</p>
<p>Also, how much would an extra essay help?</p>
<p>i think all deferral applicants shold send in an extra essay…it can only help and shows extra interest.
and its especially a must, i think, for ppl like us who may not send in 1st semester grades. it shows them that we still wanna go.</p>
<p>as for the gpa…its already kinda low to begin with, and its even lower than before…so idk.</p>
<p>IMO the reason they deferred us is because of our low gpa’s…and if we ended up doing worse than before, then it definitely wont look good. so i think its best to not send in our grades…and write an extra letter instead</p>