Can you please grade my essay??? PLZZZ.

<p>Prompt: Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power?</p>

<p>Many people believe that conscience alone is not enough to motivate people that only the money, fame, or power can truly aspire someone to achieve something. However, this doesn't seem to be always true. There are some people in this world who would do anything to choose their conscience over money, power, and fame. Conscience can sometimes be more powerful motivator than other materialistic desires.</p>

<p>One person who illustrates how conscience can be a powerful motivator is John Rabe, a Nazi officer in China during the massacre of Nanking. Initially he was a Nazi supporting Japanese invasion of the city of Nanking. However, after witnessing cruel killings, rapes, and other inhumane acts by Japanese soldiers, he decided to risk his life to save the civilian of Nanking. He could've just supported Japansese army and stay safe. However, his conscience was such a strong motivator for him that he abandoned his party, safety for the sake of innocent civilians. He shows how conscience can be a strong motivator.</p>

<p>Another individual who was strongly motivated by the conscience is Oscar Schindler, a factory owner during the World War II. As a Nazi supporter, he supported the party with the products from his factory. However, as he witnessed the acts of cruelty of Nazi party on Jewish people, he decided to save the Jews instead. He abandoned his wealth, loyalty to Nazi party to follow what his conscience told him to do. Schindler also demonstrates that conscience can also motivate individuals more than money, fame or power.</p>

<p>Lastly, my grandfather truely demonstrates how conscience can be a powerful motivator. As a child of rich family, he had nothing to worry about in terms of money, safety, and fame. However, after hearing how communists in North Korea were treating their civilians, he willingly volunteered to join the South Korean army to fight. Many of the family members persuaded him to forget about joing the army, but his conscience strongly influenced him to keep his decision. He gave up his wealth, safety and fame to fulfill his conscience. He also shows how conscience can be a powerful motivator in one's life even more than wealth, fame and power.</p>

<p>Te lives of John Rabe, Oscar Schindler, and my grandfather all illustrate how influential is conscience in one's decision. They showeed that sometimes even money, fame and power can't be strong motivators than conscience.</p>


<p>ye really good. you have some good examples.</p>

<p>I would have to choose material goods are the primary motivator in our life cause i dont have any example of people with consciences…cept jesus, ghandi, </p>

<p>to fix…put your thesis at the top in p1 Conscience is a powerful motivator that causes humans to make changes. then the many people stuff.</p>

<p>But does this hold true in all situations or at the most pressing times? Seems like our best qualities are brought at the worst times so maybe discuss this in the intro?</p>

<p>overall i would say perfect mark.</p>

<p>i’d say 5/6</p>