<p>So, my prospective Junior Year schedule is as follows;</p>
<p>AP English Language and Composition
AP Environmental Science
AP World History
Trig/Pre-Cal Honors
Latin III & IV Honors
Studio II Honors
Directed Study Period (i.e. Study Hall) </p>
<p>Keep in mind that I am no Ivy League hopeful, I'm really just looking to get into Boston University... or a school of similar ranking.</p>
<p>10/10, would sit outside on a Sunday morning and read to my grandchildren while watching the sun rise over my vast estate while sipping the tea that I had my house-slave Gustavo cook up while I was sleeping.</p>
<p>Directed Study Period…sounds so much better than free period.</p>
<p>It’s all semantics.</p>
<p>What sort of grades are you planning for ?</p>
<p>Well, since Freshman Year through Sophomore Year, I’ve essentially maintained A’s (with the exception of mid to high B’s in Math every other quarter). I’m planning on continuing to maintain mid to high A’s, which should come easy with the study hall.</p>
<p>Unless you slack off during your study time .</p>
<p>Eh. Perhaps. But I imagine that being in a silent room with kids I don’t know will compel me to work on my assignments as opposed to stare at the walls every day for an hour.</p>
<p>But who knows. I might very well do that.</p>
<p>I’d rate it as: Not slacker. Slacker for CC, but intense/crazy for a normal person at a normal HS. A’s in that should be enough to get into BU (assuming it’s about a 28 for average ACT like mine), unless you’re awful at ACT/SAT.</p>
<p>how did you even consider Boston University with a slacker schedule like that?</p>
<p>community college it is</p>
<p>You should try taking precalc over the summer so you can take calculus AB and BC. Id switch out of free period and studio 2 for Calc AB and BC</p>
<p>Oh I’m a girl (pertaining to the remark “says he’s a slacker.”) lol. :)</p>
<p>I’ll be sure to save up for the 10 dollar application fee so I can take the local community college’s placement exam! Dream big, everyone.</p>
<p>My school doesn’t accept summer course credit for math unless it is Geometry, Algebra I, or Algebra II, otherwise I would take Trig over the summer, and Studio II is a graduation requirement for me. But I’ll consider filling up the Study Hall with something.</p>
<p>Terrible. I want to puke. Honors in junior year? You should be taking at least 9 classes, all of which AP. And you should be doing basketball, baseball, football, cheerleading, AND Theater Arts along with 20 hours of community service for each key club that you are a member of and then…maybe if they’re low on applicants, you’ll get accepted into Boston University.</p>
<p>As you can probably tell, I had a lot of fine writing this obnoxious and sarcastic comment.
I was just mad that you called your schedule “Slacker” when it’s a great schedule that’s both well rounded and challenging. Keep up the good work!</p>
<p>Thank you! I chuckled at the “maybe it they’re low on applicants.” :)</p>
<p>Wow, we have almost the exact same schedule; just switch World History for APUSH and Studio H for Politics H and Latin 4H for French 4H</p>
<p>I wish I could take Politics Honors, but I have to wait until Senior year so I can take AP Politics and Government. I’m not a big fan of Studio Art, or Art in general, but alas, it is a graduation requirement.</p>