Can you send in only certain AP scores?

<p>I don’t recall UA using example B, but the policy may have changed in the past couple of years.</p>

<p>The master’s degree in accounting is not eligible for University Scholars. What is your intended career path?</p>

<p>Also, would you be willing to graduate in less than 8 semesters?</p>

<p>If there is a way for you to not need federal aid during your last couple semesters, there would be no issue with the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. Note that this is not a UA-specific policy, but rather a policy which applies to all students using federal financial aid. </p>

<p>The “financial aid office” is available 24/7 by phone, but the people answering the phone do not work for UA. They can transfer your call to UA during UA business hours (8:00am-4:45pm Central) should there be a question they cannot answer.</p>

<p>""“The master’s degree in accounting is not eligible for University Scholars. What is your intended career path?”""</p>

<p>do you mean that it is currently not set up? or never allowed by the dean? in the US description, if bama offers a grad program, it says…
Any department that offers a graduate program may, with the approval of the dean of the Graduate School, participate in the University Scholars Program. </p>

<p>so, unless forbidden, why couldnt approval be sought? I would start now.</p>

<p>sea-tide…cant the presidential be used for US? if so, does the student have to take an undergrad class each semester?</p>

<p>ClassicChip: Don’t know if this helps your case or not. </p>

<p>I think you are a new student for Fall 2014 so you will want to use the current catalog.
<a href=“”>;/a&gt; not the one from 2010.</p>

<p>Cuttlefish…was there something there you saw?</p>

<p>I didn’t compare the charts. I just noticed that Classic used the older catalog. Sometimes there are differences in the catalogs.</p>

<p>^classicchip may be subject to the UA course catalog in affect when she or he first started at an institution of higher education, but could certainly switch to the 2014 catalog. </p>

<p>The accounting department could certainly choose to participate in University Scholars, but chooses not to for a number of reasons. Similarly, the MBA program does not participate in University Scholars. It was not easy to get widespread support for the STEM MBA program and the plans to expand the program to business majors have been shelved. UA might allow an individual student to use an undergraduate merit scholarship to pay for either of those graduate programs, but YMMV.</p>

<p>I don’t think a student with an undergraduate merit scholarship has to take an undergraduate course each semester provided they still have courses to complete for their undergraduate degree. This typically means waiting to take GBA 490 until ones final semester at UA.</p>

<p>Classic is an incoming frosh. He has DE credits, so he will use the new catalog. </p>

I don’t think a student with an undergraduate merit scholarship has to take an undergraduate course each semester provided they still have courses to complete for their undergraduate degree. This typically means waiting to take GBA 490 until ones final semester at UA.

<p>so, she could try to get hooked up with univ scholars ASAP, which shouldnt be an issue because of her standing. then take grad classes with a few undergrad sprinkled in…with a remaining class att the end. would that work?</p>

College of Commerce and Business Administration:
Applied Statistics
Economics (College of C&BA)
Operations Management

<p>maybe stats? </p>

<p>Classic…what do you have your DE credits in?</p>

<p>Thank you all for your help. I’ll look into the Univ Scholars Program, though I think sea_tide may be correct with the idea that my major might not be a part of that.</p>

<p>My DE credits are in a lot of things, but the majority are the general electives/prereqs–just one missing. It’s the AP credits that have messed everything up, and I just wish I didn’t send them. I hope there will be a way to not let them count for credit, as it was truly a mistake to send them, but I feel terrible that I caused this situation and might not be able to fix it.</p>

<p>@classicchip You sent in AP scores not AP credits. I do not know how UA handles this but other universities I am familiar with allow/require you to accept the credit that your AP scores qualify you for. They don’t automatically apply them. For example, many kids in engineering fields get 4 and 5 on AP calc and physics tests but are urged to not take the credits but take the class at the university they are attending.</p>

<p>@WAPacker: If that is true, I will be so relieved. I have asked the registrar office about this and am waiting for their reply, which I hope will be tomorrow. I’ll call too. I can only cross my fingers that that is how UA handles it.</p>

<p>WAPacker has a very valid point: you send in scores, but not necessarily apply them for credit. In engineering, if you want to use AP credits as pre-req for a subsequent class, in order to register in the first place, you have to have those scores on file AND apply them to UA-approved courses. Good luck, classicchip! </p>

<p>Thank you, aeromom! I hope that if that is the case with some AP credits, then that could be applied to me as well. That would make everything work out.</p>

<p>@classicchip‌ </p>

<p>i contacted the FA office about your issue and got the below response…(i provided the basic problem, coming in with about 90 DE and AP credits and I included the 150% formula that you linked with the concern that you would only be able to take 2-3 semesters’ worth of classes before losing FA. )</p>

<p>Dear XXXXxX</p>

<p>There are no issues as long as he finishes before 180 hours in terms of his financial aid. There might be issues with his academics but for federal aid purposes, the only time timeframe is an issue is after 180 hours. So if he is going to finish before then, there is really nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>Please feel free to email or call with any other questions!</p>

<p>Emily Roberts
Financial Aid Advisor
The University of Alabama

<p>so contact her directly…I would contact her by email, provide your CWID, your credits detail, and SAVE her responses.</p>

<p>this is the formula i provided to her…
Example B: If your degree requires that you complete 120 credit hours and you have transferred 54 credit hours, your reasonable length of time will be as follows:
120 credit hours – 54 transfer hours = 66 x 150% = 99</p>

<p>You will be within your reasonable length of time during your first 99 hours of coursework attempted at The University</p>

<p>I believe the OP is referring to loans as financial aid since she has the Presidential for tuition. She must need the loans for the remaining cost of attendance. Yes they do halt your loans after 180 credits unless you go over 180 on your final semester and then it halts directly after that. I do not know about an appeals process but this is something that incoming students should know about as it can affect them. You also have to take a certain percentage of your credit hours at UA in order to earn your degree from them. Is this what the OP is concerned about?</p>