That said, a very strong student from anywhere will be noticed by the better/best med schools and residency programs. They really just want the best, and they know that many of the best ones didn’t go to tippy top undergrads or med schools.
Commuting from home may be a poblem if you want to be in anybort of competitive major such as pre-med, due to review sessions, study groups, and other academics generally taking place in the evening (and more crucial for pre-meds than some other majors) plus all activities you’ll have to do on/off campus. It’s hard enough already without creating extra hurdles.
I’ll add, from a arent’s point of view, that driving at 11pm or midnight is not the best idea.
Is it because they can’t afford room and board? What if you earn a full tuition scholarship, would you be allowed to live on-campus with the 20k paying for r&b?