<p>We were talking about sensory and perception in AP Psych today, and for a survey, our teacher showed our class this video. I got kind of upset by it.
Does it make you tear up?</p>
<p>I didn’t cry either; my mood for the next few hours was just kind of ruined.</p>
<p>The girl behind me in class was just dying with sadness though… the teacher said she could go to the counselor, but she didn’t.
And the music doesn’t help.</p>
<p>I don’t understand how people can be that cruel.</p>
<p>EDIT: I just watched it again. I almost lost it at the picture at 1:12.
I want the A**hole who did this to go burn in hell.</p>
<p>You mean the abuser? I know it’s awful, but I’ve seen too many people do some truly moronic and thoughtless things to be surprised. There are some people out there that honestly seem to have no regard for the existence of anyone else.</p>
<p>I didn’t cry, but I’ve seen worse abuse cases on the news. Besides, I only cried once during Hotel Rwanda, so that says something about me. (Saddest movie ever)</p>
<p>…what does this have to do with psych, anyways?</p>
<p>^^Yeah same. I don’t know if I have just been too hardened. I’m not a bad person its just that I’ve heard it so many times before. And some that are even worse.</p>
<p>Um ok…that guy is the typical “I am the best cause I am an American trooper” guy. Wow what kind of trash actually has the animal in them to physically abuse their daughter like that. Lol I was just making fun of him and how he deserved throughout the entire video. Of course I felt sad for the girl, but was mostly just annoyed at such morons in America nowadays.</p>
<p>^ Yeah, the soldier was the good guy :(:(:(</p>
<p>@ her abuser: I hope you burn in hell for what you did.</p>
<p>Sidenote: I watched some NIghtline or 60 Minutes thing once where a guy’s daughter got killed in a wreck by a drunk driver, and he was like “Yeah…you know how most parents always say ‘Oh, it’s so hard, but we forgive you for what you’ve done! It was just a dumb mistake!’? Yeah, not true in my case. I want this guy dead. In the ground. As soon as possible.”</p>
<p>It was definitely sad and touching, but I didn’t cry. We hear about people dying and being abused everyday. I guess I’ve sort of gotten used to it. It was still very sad though.</p>