Canadian schools?

<p>Has anyone considered any Canadian schools/universities for visual arts? DS wants to study illustration/drawing/studio art, possibly going onto grad school for medical illustration. I'm especially curious about Concordia U. in Montreal. We're in Boston so it's actually closer to home than some other schools DS has looked at.</p>

<p>Consider studying at a non-degree program:</p>

[. : ACADEMY OF REALIST ART : .](<a href=“”>;/a&gt;)</p>

[Learn</a> Classical Realist Drawing and Painting at Academy of Realist Art](<a href=“]Learn”></p>

<p>or probably the best school for realistic drawing and painting, Florence Academy:
[Florence</a> Academy of Art, School of fine arts Italy](<a href=“]Florence”></p>

<p>These schools teach intensive drawing only during the first year (12 hours/day). My daughter had the skills to work as a medical illustrator after one year at this type of academy, had she wanted to work in that field.</p>