Canadian student to attend US University & study Law. Chances at NYU, Yale, etc...?

<p>I live in Montreal, Canada but my heart is set of pursuing my university studies in the States. I've always wanted to go to NYU, but I'm not sure how good my chances are. I aspire to be a lawyer when I grow up but don't want to study Quebec laws and everything...</p>

<p>I'm currently in grade 10 and am an honor role student. My last term average was an 86%, which is a 3 point something GPA. I take AP English and French classes and am also fluent in Greek. I know that having extra-curricular activities and volunteer work help your chances at big American Universities, but since I live in Canada, no one is really big on volunteering or anything since we don't really have the big Ivy League Colleges or anything. I'm not sure if this helps but...
-I work at Best Buy
-I volunteered at a Summer Camp in 2006
-I played soccer for about 8 years
-I participate in my high school's fashion show every year
-I participate in my high school's play/variaty show
-I played tennis for 2 years
-I was a cheerleader for 2 years
-I was in gymnastics for 1 year
-I was in figure skating for 3 years</p>

<p>Although I'd love to attend NYU, I'm also considering Havard, Yale, Columbia, Stanford and Berkeley. Which one would I have the best chances at?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I'm really confused!</p>

<p>An 86% average is somewhere between a 3.0 and a 3.3 GPA, which is low for your application to be competitive at all the schools you mentioned. You’d probably have the best chance at NYU (or possibly Berkeley), but the other schools you mentioned would be massive reaches for you especially since your GPA isn’t fantastic and your extracurriculars aren’t anything to write home about.</p>

<p>I’m sorry if this seems a bit brutal, but it’s the truth; Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia are four of the best universities in the world, and as such a large percentage of their applicants (especially the first 3 I just mentioned) have 4.0 GPAs or something very close to that.</p>

<p>I really appreciate your honesty, thanks :)</p>

<p>^ canadian GPA is a little different from US GPA… if i recall, an 86 in canada is much better than an 86 in the US.</p>

<p>i might be wrong though =X</p>