
<p>S just called and said classes are cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday due to Ernesto. Here we go!</p>

<p>Yeah, my s told me the same thing....anybody worried?</p>

<p>I attended Miami during a period of at least three Hurricanes that I can remember. Not one caused that much damage. Don't forget: University of Miami is not near enough to the ocean to worry about flooding. The only potential problem is wind damage and possible tornado damage, if a tornado forms. </p>

<p>Just stay indoors during the Hurricane and preferably go to the bottom floor of your dorm or, better yet, the basement. You should have very little problem.</p>

<p>S called and told me the same thing. i think he's looking forward to it. I'm not worried though, this probably won't even be a hurricane by the time it hits them. They'll be fine.</p>

<p>Okay.....I figured we'd need to do this discussion at least one more time before I left here. :)</p>

<p>Son has rode out 6.... (Charley, Frances, Jeanne) were just a breeze and a little rain.... (Katrina, Rita and Wilma)...well these were a bit different....:) </p>

<p>First, let me assure all you freshman parents that your kids are safe!!! The housing staff started having meetings at noon yesterday (with almost hourly meetings happening all through the day yesterday). The RA's and DA's went through training before your kids ever got on campus as to what procedure is. And believe me, they've been through this before. </p>

<p>Your kids may go on lock-down. And at that point, they will be restricted to their dorm. They will be in their rooms, on their floor. Food and water will be provided to them. They will be instructed to un-plug all their electronics and get them up off the floor. This is due to flooding....Not the flooding like you'd think of naturally...but if it is a very strong hurricane (like K and W from last year) rain may enter the building. Son's room in Mahoney did get water during Katrina last year....and some windows blew out during Rita. However....if the winds get strong...all the kids will be moved out into the hallways, so they are away from windows! The buildings are very strong all, so I don't worry about that at all...not to mention, these are highrises so flooding isn't a problem. </p>

<p>The worst situation that your kids might incur (and with Ernesto, I don't think he's going to be that strong...) is the inconvenience of being without power for a while. UM has generators which will allow for a few lights, and food service to the kids. Cell-phone service could be down, and campus can get tore up a little. But...since K and W tore up a lot last year, I'm betting that most of the trees that were going to go are aleady gone.... Also, UM and Doctor's hospital are both on the same power grid...therefore, they both are at the top of the power companies priority list. UM got power back after Wilma last year in 3 days, whereas most of Miami was out for a week or more. </p>

<p>My son called yesterday between some of his meetings and he said that he wasn't as concerned about this one, and from all indications I've been watching, I think he's probably right. </p>

<p>If you do have any questions though, please don't hesitate to ask, because myself, my-3-sons', and wish-it-were-April's sons have all gone through these several times......</p>