<p>It is possible to cancel a score, but I would advise against it since you have to cancel before you find out what you made. As far as I can tell, the only person who should cancel is somebody who knows 100% that they made the grade that rhymes with "fun" or is concerned about it bringing down their AP grade average (for awards purposes).</p>
<p>AP grades are self-reported to colleges on the applications, but official score reports aren't sent until you enroll at the college (unless you indicated that thye should send scores when you filled out your answer sheet) to determine placements. From what I've read, many people just simply don't list their really bad scores on the application -- but I'm not sure if that's ethical or not.</p>
<p>There is also a "grade withholding" service, where you can pay like $10 per grade to have it removed from your score report sent to the college, but I don't know why anybody would do this either.</p>
At any rate, the official information is here: </p>
<p>Grade Withholding</p>
<p>You may have one or more grades withheld from the report sent to the college you indicated on your answer sheet. To have a grade withheld from the indicated college, AP Services must receive your written, signed request by June 15 accompanied by a $10 fee per grade, per college. If your request is not received by June 15, the grade is automatically sent to the college indicated on your answer sheet.</p>
<p>The grade will be withheld from any future grade reports sent to that particular college. You may later release the grade to that college by sending AP Services a signed written request.</p>
<p>If you later decide to send an AP Grade Report to a different college, however, you need to contact AP Services to have the grade withheld from that grade report.</p>
<p>A request to withhold a grade does not permanently delete your grade, and all exam grades, even those withheld from grade reports sent to colleges, are sent to you and your school.</p>
<p>Grade Cancellation</p>
<p>Grade cancellation deletes an AP Exam grade permanently from your records. Grades may be canceled at any time. However, for grades not to appear on the current year's grade report, AP services must receive a signed letter requesting cancellation by June 15. While there is no fee for this service, your exam fee is not refunded. The grade report that you and your school receive will indicate that the grade has been canceled.</p>