<p>hmm so i know this will present a problem for many. i remember them saying at orientation that the school monitors it or something and that if you illegally download anything, you have a chance of getting fined serious money. i heard of a student who was fined like $2800 for downloading at school. i don't have an ipod right now- i was planning on getting one, but i'm a little reluctant now. mp3s are kind of out of the question if you don't want to pay for every song and i have A LOT of music. mixed cd's are an option...but idk.</p>
<p>so i’m assuming if someone else sends you a file via email of a song they downloaded themselves on their own computer, it’s okay? because aren’t you going to download that onto your computer so doesn’t it register as having been downloaded illegally because that’s how you got it?</p>
<p>Idk if maybe I was just lucky but I took summer classes there for a little more than a month and was downloading music off of torrents everyday including at least 50GB worth of Formula 1 Racing Videos since they played on TV at obscene hours during the moment. Never got a notice or anything, and I left them on by accident and seeded about 30 gigs worth of bandwidth a couple times too.</p>
<p>I have no idea what is wrong with my wireless connection, especially because it’s not dial-up. And yes, it is retardedly slow… and very, very frustrating. </p>
<p>But at least I’ll have UCSD’s fast connection to look forward to!</p>