Alright, well, I am currently a 10th grade student, but up until now I haven’t even thought about college other than wanting to get into a decent one. Anyways, I want to study Computer Hardware Engineering and Computer Software Engineering, but I can’t find a good college that teaches those things. Maybe I’m just searching completely wrong, but I could really use some help. I want to get into a full 4 year University, if there is a good one located in California that would be nice, but anywhere in the continental U.S. is fine for me. Any suggestions?
There are just so many I am so confused by your question. Most people who do software engineering for their job have degrees in computer science. You will have to check school by school if you insist on software engineering specific degree. I believe UCI offers it. Check ucb, ucsd, ucsd, ucsd, ucd, ucr. Stanford, USC, Santa Clara, cal poly slo and cal poly Pomona, sjsu. For starters.
Something like 21 million students attend the 4500 or so colleges in the US.
If you can’t find a single “decent” one, then your standards may be slightly off.
Wow… Are u an international student?
Look here for accredited engineering programs:
You are looking for either Computer Engineering, Computer Science or Software Engineering as majors.
California Schools: All the UC’s will have either 2-3 of these majors, Harvey Mudd, majority of the Cal States, USC to name a few.