Can't submit my app!

<p>I keep getting an error message saying I need to fill out the "future plans" sections, which I already did...</p>

<p>It won't let me submit. I've already filled out and saved all my answers to that section - the whole financial aid, major, future job, etc. I don't understand why they keep referring me back to that section.</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>You know you have to fill out that section separately for each college, right?</p>

<p>same thing happened to me, but that was because I wasn’t aware of what geek_mom said. I think that’s most likely your problem.</p>

<p>nope, that is not my problem.
i have filled out the future plans sections for each college.</p>

<p>not to insult your intelligence but did you fill everything out
ie: if your put other major, did you fill out other section, mark all questions, check all boxes
if you did, then contact common app help asap</p>

<p>^^^I first that.</p>