Can't view my personal statement?

<p>I uploaded the document from my windows 7 pc using microsoft word, but every time i try to view the document, it opens up another window and the internet browser crashes. i tried on my macbook and it opens as a weird file filled with jibberish. any help?</p>

<p>My D used Word on Windows 7 to upload hers and had no problem, so I don’t think it’s word- windows7 issue. If you are viewing a document from a device which does not have microsoft office (word) on it, then it will not be able to read it. ( looks like jibberish) Best bet is to try to view it from another computer with windows microsoft office on it and not from a Mac.</p>

<p>i had the same problem too what i did was use internet explorer for mines. i thought it was the files itself so i started to convert my statements and responses. then towards the middle of my conversions i stopped and used IE to check and they were fine.</p>