Can't view my uploaded Personal Statement--normal?

<p>I have uploaded my personal statement onto the common app, and when I click 'view document', a new window opens. The window is totally blank. Is that normal? Or should I be able to view the document and for some reason can not? I'm worried that I might submit the common app without the document actually uploading.</p>

<p>That is not normal - you should be able to see it.</p>

<p>Click on Print Preview, if your essay shows up on the pdf then it’s fine, but if that is blank as well you should contact Commonapp immediately!</p>

<p>I uploaded the document in docx. format. Should I change that?</p>

<p>I don’t see why it should reject docx, either way make another copy in a different format and then try again</p>

<p>Thanks! It worked.</p>

<p>I converted the document to .txt and .pdf. Both formats work.</p>