Can't Wait Any Longer

<p>i sent everything in on october 30th and within 2 weeks i got a response saying that they are checking if they received all materials before they make a decision. Does anybody have an idea how much longer it's going to take?</p>

<p>About 2 more weeks.....You may get an interim message that your transcript wasn't sent, then a snail mail letter telling you that your transcript is missing or hasn't been matched up yet....We then e-mailed admissions with ID# and got an immediate response that a decision had been made.....Acceptance was online this morning....We had sent in everything by October 15th, if you can judge by that.....OOS stats at top of UW range.....</p>

<p>Congratulations rodney!</p>

<p>Jcrew, if it's only been 2 weeks, you can expect it to take at least a couple more.</p>

<p>what do you think my chances are
B+/A student
30 on ACT
770,690,670 on SAT II
numerous EC
nationally ranked athlete</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> Admissions at UW-Madison: Application processing time line update</p>

<p>Chances look excellent.</p>

<p>also, i'm from OOS and a minority if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>match. :) good luck!</p>

<p>I wouldn't put all of your hope into that chart seeing as how I was in the 80% area and i got waitlisted then rejected. But I wish you luck and am sure you'll have a great college experience no matter what their decision is.</p>

<p>tomohka- I hope you are having a great college experience at your next choice school, if not, remember that UW encourages transfers. You can try to finish college at UW if you feel you will get your needs better met there. Everyone has to remember there is more than one good school for them.</p>

<p>oh im having a great experience, thats why im saying its not the end of the world if you dont get into your first choice college</p>

<p>rodney, i have a question...</p>

<p>i sent my application in october 5th. my school sent my transcripts october 18th. wisconsin sent my school the "receipt" postcard with a date stamp of October 29th (so that's at least when the opened the envelope). Still, the internet says i am missing a transcript, as did the letter I got in the mail on monday. they say not to send additional emails or make additional calls, but i'm wondering how long you waited to send that email and what you said in it? basically, it's november 16th, should i be emailing them or should i just be patient for another couple of weeks?</p>

<p>My online status said I was missing a transcript all the way up until I got accepted yesterday...maybe the just didn't update it?</p>