Capitalism vs. Communism: The Showdown

<p><strong>This is not a political discussion. Political systems are things like democracy, monarchy, theocracy, etc. Communism and capitalism are both economic ideologies, NOT political ones. Hence, this is an economic discussion, which is not prohibited under the ToS. Further, there will be no discussion of Democrats vs. Republicans, as both groups are on the capitalist side (each to a different degree). Again, ECONOMICS, not politics. I cannot stress this enough</strong></p>

<p>Who would like to begin?</p>

<p>There was a guy in my Political theory class that kept on trying to argue about communism and the Professor kept stopping him, saying “You’re talking about Russia, I’m talking Marxism. They’re two different things.”</p>

<p>It was funny.</p>

<p>This professor actually called himself a Marxist, yet the article in the campus Libertarian paper actually said he was a nice guy.</p>

<p>I think Democrats are better than Communists. Obama helps Darfur better nice now even. He good.</p>

<p>Don’t you guys agree that we should have a theocracy instead of communism? Or even a monarchy of republicans? Possibly an etc.? We should totally vs. all of them.</p>


People don’t want to look at it, don’t want to compare the life of that child with their own lives. They shut their eyes to the plight of the poor, the starving, the dying. I won’t take it down; people should see.</p>

<p>Communism will only work in a one government world. When all humans have finally united as one people, then we can have communism. Right now capitalism fits because we compete against one another. </p>

<p>In fact one day we won’t even need an economic system, but that won’t ever be in our lifetime.</p>

<p>Capitalism. I think you should get what you earn and earn what you get. Should the wealth be redistributed equally amongst all people, we’d have some people working very hard and others hardly working at all, but everyone gets the same monetary reward. That’s hardly fair. Not to say that the cycle of poverty that does and will always exist within Capitalism is fair. Its just that I see it as more fair than the redistribution of wealth within the Communist philosophy. </p>

<p>How can we take from one person what he has earned so that we can call him equal to his neighbor? Perhaps he works harder than his neighbor, and is thus more deserving of what he earns. </p>

<p>There are all kinds of ways for people born into poor circumstance to fall through the cracks and it’s not their fault that they are then cast into the working class, and we do have some societal responsibility to try and help the needy. But I do not think we should just pool our resources and distribute them equally. </p>

<p>I believe in equality of opportunity, so I think efforts should be made to even the playing field on a socio-economic level when Americans are very young (public schools need to be better, colleges need to provide better aid for the very poor and the lower middle class, etc.). But I don’t care much about the equal distribution of wealth. It shouldn’t be equal. </p>

<p>But I see the lovely picture that Communism paints, and it is very appealing. However, I think its unrealistic and makes for unhappy people. Capitalism has its major flaws though. Its tough to reconcile.</p>

<p>@Toxic93 Post-scarcity for the win!</p>


So equality is worse than starvation and homelessness is what you’re saying?</p>


Why has he earned it? What right does he have to it?</p>


Out of curiosity, are you one of these poor, or are you just happy to doom others to such a life?</p>


And how do you plan on providing “equality of opportunity” when there is a self-perpetuating economic oligarchy of the rich that uses its massive economic clout to make sure that the poor stay in their place and the rich get richer?</p>


Would you rather be unhappy because you couldn’t be rich or unhappy because your children are starving to death?</p>

<p>Read animal farm!</p>




<p>I don’t think communism works, however, my ideals are most likely oversimplifications. Humans encompass greed; ergo, communism won’t work. I see greed as the primary short-fall of communism.</p>

Someone who is smart and works hard should get more money than someone who is dumb and lazy.</p>

<p>Why should someone that’s smart get more than someone that’s dumb? Is raw intelligence a virtue?</p>

<p>This isn’t a rhetorical question.</p>

<p>You can still be dumb and “get more” than someone who is intelligent.</p>

<p>Billy, I’m poor. I realize EXACTLY what teen-pregnancy and drug addiction and having to work for minimum wage and losing your job often is like. I grew up with it all around me. I’m the only girl in my family to graduate high school and go to a 4-year university. The rest of them decided to get pregnant at 17 or 18 instead (or 14 or 16… you’re kind of a rarity if you are female and have a HS diploma in my family). It really sucks. It’s horrible and sad that anyone has to live like that. </p>

<p>But communism doesn’t fix it. And capitalism allows some room to escape it. Because in capitalism, hard work does pay off. It really, truly does. If you make responsible choices (ex. don’t get pregnant; don’t do or deal drugs; don’t be an accessory to murder and spend 10 years in prison) and you work hard (ex. take the jobs that you have to; save up; get educated) you can definitely get out of the “self-perpetuating economic oligarchy of the rich that uses its massive economic clout to make sure that the poor stay in their place and the rich get richer” and move towards a better economic class. Just because it is difficult and many people choose not to follow that path does not mean it’s not available, or that it doesn’t work.</p>

<p>What we need to do is employ all methods to become rich, and donate that money back to the working class. We take the money out of greedy hands, and give it back. </p>

<p>What people don’t understand is that equal opportunity does not result in equal results.</p>

<p>Also, the fact is that religion, if followed right, can solve most of the economic problems in society today. If everyone in the world payed a tax of 2.5 percent of their income each year to charitable causes,(otherwise known as the zakaat of Islam) then world hunger would cease to exist.</p>

<p>If eveyone payed a 2.5 percent tax of their total net wealth to charitable causes, then their would be no poverty. </p>

<p>Hell, we should draft people for Peace Corps, not war.</p>



<p>Ah, because this is how capitalism always pans out.</p>



<p>We’re not talking about sex.</p>

<p>I think.</p>