<p>I'm a bit overwhelmed by the college search, to be honest, I just don't know where to start. Part of the difficulty is that I'm a sophomore, and have little knowledge of what my stats and the like are going to be like. However, I heard it's best to start early, so I figured I would give it a shot. I tried using both CB and CC's college finders, and I'm just overwhelmed by the number of options I seem to have. I can only get the number of results into the double digits if I add some arbitrary characteristic, such as limiting my search to Hawaii. I want to be a engineer, so I have plenty of options. Perhaps there's something to be said for lack of selection?</p>
My UW GPA will likely be somewhere north of 3.8, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get an actual 4.0, as it will likely go down a bit from over the next couple years from where it is now. My school's weighting system is so inflated that my weighted GPA is meaningless. My school doesn't rank, but I'm in the top decile and will likely stay there thanks to the screwy weighted GPA system. I took the SAT back in middle school and got a good score (around 2000, including a 750 CR), but wasn't aware I could ask to keep it. I'm pretty confident I'll be able to score somewhere north of 2200, at least if the CB's SAT question of the day is anything to go by. The only bit I'm worried about is the essay, but apparently that can be tackled pretty formulaicly.</p>
<p>I'm a girl, which I hear will do good things for me if I apply as a STEM major, as I plan to do.</p>
My schedule is extremely rigorous. I'm in the highest level offered in all my classes, as well as a year ahead in three different subject areas. Normally AP classes are restricted to juniors and seniors, but I'm taking one as a sophomore.</p>
<p>As for extracurriculars, nothing really significant as of yet. I'm a member of my school's FIRST robotics team, and am very interested in robots. Currently I'm teaching myself calculus, so I can teach myself physics, so I can learn how to properly design and build a robot. I'll try and take the Calc BC and Physics C tests in May, if only so I don't have to sit through classes where I already know the material. I'm also in a couple of other fun but - in the eyes of adcoms - insignificant clubs/teams that I am not pursuing leadership in.
I'm learning to speak Japanese, have been for about eight months now, and am somewhere between the levels of Japanese 3 and near-native level, depending on the area (my kanji are excellent). Next year, I'll be take the Japanese AP and SATII tests, as well as the highest-level JLPT, but I know I'm up against many international students - and some Americans - who are trilingual or even polyglots, so I'm not sure how significant that will be. By the time I apply to college, I may have started teaching myself a Scandinavian language.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I'm going to need aid - a ton. I don't know precisely how much my family makes, but my brother and I are in the free lunch program.</p>
<p>So I'm trying to create a longlist, but I have little to narrow it down by since my stats and the like are still very up in the air.</p>
<p>Right now I've got:</p>
<p>MIT - Hey, a girl can dream, right?
Bama - I'll likely qualify for amazing aid
Penn State - I'm in state
University of Hawaii - It's in Hawaii</p>
<p>These schools are looking lonely, please find them some friends.</p>
<p>tl;dr: Girl looking for good engineering school with good aid, merit or need-based.</p>