Career/Internships in a state different than that of your school?

Is there any disadvantage if I go to school in one state, but would like a job in another? For example, I live in NJ, a 45 minute to hour long commute to Manhattan, and I’d like to work there if I can. But I’d also like to study Computer Science at a school such as University of Michigan or University of Illinois in Urbana Champagne. Given that computer science jobs are fairly plentiful, am I at a disadvantage with an out of state degree? Will employers favor Computer Science students from schools such as NYU, Cooper Union, Stony Brook, (tech schools with equivalent ranking/reputation to UMich and UIUC in NY)?

It depends on the employer.

That generally doesn’t matter for CS.

CS rotation will be much more important than direct location to most employers in this category. What school you went to in general isn’t very impactful in most cases as well, so again, I would not focus on that.

As far as CS goes, usually a school is considered “regionally strong” because their students end up staying in the same area by choice, not because they have to.

What do you mean by CS rotation?

Reputation, sorry - bad autocorrect. Point being, companies will flock far and wide to UIUC or U of M to hire for positions across the country.