career options...

<p>I think I am pretty sure that I really want to go to this school. lol...
But, I am not totally sure weather I am a believer as far as the career options go... Yes, I know i saw the video that said you could do anything even a nuclear engineer, but, I am not totally sure. Maybe a visit will help. I am a thinker/reader to the core, so maybe in the end I won't care. after my bachelors is going to be for me. Graduate school will be for my career. I think... anyone like to comment?</p>

<p>I just visited the campus as I am attending a meeting in Santa Fe. I have a son applying to college this year, and another in 10th grade. Two others are already in college. I was very impressed as this was probably the most intellectual undergraduate campus I have visited, and I have been to almost all of the Ivy league universities, UChicago, Northwestern, MIT, and the top LAcs over the years. This place reminds me of Chicago but may be even more intellectually intense given its small size. You get an incredible education in the history of Western though a wide range of fields in a core curriculum that covers all four years. Moreover, the campus is in an incredibly beautiful setting. Moreover, all the classes are seminars. </p>

<p>I have similar concerns about St. John's as one of my sons in h.s. in interested in learning an Asian language in addition to majoring in history and the other is precocious in math. When I talked with the admissions people, they said that advanced courses could be arranged as tutorials with professors. I thought that was very impressive-along the Oxford/Cambridge model of education. You certainly learn to think, express yourself verbally and in writing here. Still, I wonder about the preparation for a real job or graduate school. </p>

<p>I think talking with some alums in your area may be helpful. I am going to try to find some in our area, and have my son chat with them on these issues. The admission officer also said they have stayovers for interested students. That might be a good way for you to decide whether this place is for you. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks i will keep in touch</p>

<p>There are any number of careers you can go into after St. John's. If you request media from the college, they will send you booklets concerning the career choices made by previous graduates. You can also see the graduate schools and concentrations they went into. You should also go to this page and watch the videos, especially 'What Can you Do with a St. John's Education?'</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>omg i wanna go here so bad. This is the only school I am going to apply to. I hope they accept me...Ive had a roller coaster ride throughout high school with mom having cancer and dad losing jobs, i have either done really good or really bad. but, i do have something in me that not many people have. I think I will be able to communicate that very well in my essays and judging by what I have read, they will understand. High school has been good but is becoming a waste of my time. It is not conducive to my learning environment. I was considering just getting my GED and applying right now, but I missed the deadline and I need the next 2 semesters to learn a few more things. I am worried because the booklet said that it required two semesters of language and I don't have that, what do I do. I can't wait to visit!!!!!!!! Love it.</p>

<p>St. John's was the only school I applied to too. I started last fall, but I left in February to fix some things in my personal life. I love the college, and I was doing well. My leave was not caused by the school. I will return in January to finish my freshman year, and I can't wait to get back. </p>

<p>If I were you, I'd call the admissions office and ask someone there about the language requirement. They are <em>very</em> helpful, and will answer any questions you have.</p>

<p>Career options. Can I get into medical school with St. John's education? Do u know any previous grads who got into. I just discovered this school and it seems so wow u know. Makes me wish I can get in. And people wht is the difference between Sante Fe and MD campus?</p>

<p>Try to go to an overnight visit. My son did and loved it, loved the seminars, etc.</p>

<p>For medical school, you will need some additional premed prerequisites. It sounds like you can get them done in just one year, or get them done during summer breaks. Ask at St. John's- they are very happy to answer all questions. </p>

<p>They have rolling admissions, are you sure you missed the deadline? I think they will accept applications up until the freshman class is full.</p>