<p>I assume you chose those careers for the money involved.</p>
<p>Dentistry and Medicine are very competitive and from your post, you seem to lack the enthusiasm. You should know that getting into dental and medical school is VERY hard and expensive to pay off.</p>
<p>Finance would be my career pick for you. It is the clear cut career anyone can make it in.</p>
<p>Premed: I can’t believe you’re worrying about getting into med school now. Focus on getting into a good college first! And then use your fear of med school rejection to work your ass off during your undergrad years and excel in grades, research, &c. Where’s your motivation?</p>
<p>Finance: I don’t know too much about this. I’m guessing you’d have to be a numbers person who didn’t mind working in an office all day.</p>
<p>Dentistry: Ditto with what I said about med school. And tooth doctor? Dentistry is a health profession. You help people for a living. I don’t see how anyone could not take pride in that. And if in the future your ego needs massaging… dentists make s h i t tons of money.</p>
<p>Law: Again–get into a good college, be focused and involved with your law-related interests, stand out, worry about law school later… but you get all that by now, don’t you? ;]</p>
<p>Edit: I suppose the first question you should ask yourself is, “What do I like to do?”</p>
<p>Well I’m not choosing these career for money alone (although that is a factor, I do want my family and I to live comfortably)</p>
<p>I know Dentistry and Med school are competitive (keep in mind I’m in Canada so it’s a bit less competitive here because of the population). It’s also cheaper here, not cheap, but cheaper than the US.</p>
<p>I do have enthusiasm over these careers, I just have concerns and some anxiety, as anyone would when making a big life decision.</p>
<p>as for finance, what it doesn’t have in comparison to medicine is job security. Doctors are recession proof. I also want to make a difference somehow. I don’t see how finance can give me that sense of accomplishment. </p>
<p>rachel: thnx for the advise.</p>
<p>as for “what do I like”
the problem is that I’m one of those guys that liked most subjects in school. that can be both a blessing and a curse because I can’t decide what I can live with for my whole life.</p>
<p>sorry if I seem like a pain, I’m just not good at making “fork in the road” decisions. :(</p>