Careless Errors on Math

<p>I'm the kind of guy who makes 750+ on shorter exams, like the PSAT, but makes 680s on the actual thing because of the length and fatigue.</p>

<p>I'm at 780 in Crit Reading, so I'm not worried about that, but I need some advice on getting math up that high. I rarely get a question that I don't uderstand, i just do something retarded and get like 4 questions wrong. The steep curve on math doesn't help either...</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>Take adderall.</p>

<p>…Or you can try underlining what they are asking for in the question. This allows you to fully read the question and makes sure you don’t solve for something else.</p>

<p>Lol I’m on concerta :stuck_out_tongue:
ADHD ftw</p>


<p>You seem like the type of guy who needs only 15 minutes on a 25 minute math section. Use your leftover time, go back, review each problem to ensure that your answer is correct. I saved myself probably 60 points by doing that last weekend.</p>

<p>lol thanks!</p>

<p>Yeah, one time on a chem quiz i forgot to use pi to find the area of a circle.</p>

<p>Of course it was a 6 part question and i screwed up the 2nd part…</p>