caribbean medical schools

<p>Unfortunate student scamed by American Global Scool of Medicine (AGUSM),
based in Dayton, Ohio. They have a school in San Pedro, Belize which is NOT accredited, although they claim so, and nearly every claim on the website is false. Suspended me when I demanded documentation and questioned professor credentials. None were provided and I was suspended as a trouble maker and of instigating the other students to protest. Even had to call the health department to remove the corpse casket that sat on the school porch 2 weeks and shredded by stray dogs. Not a single board certified Dr./professor or teaching certificate available. All true...Anyone with any information on this school or advice on how to get this information around please comment. Also I am seeking information on legitimate Caribbean schools to transfer to. Be very carefull if you leave the states!</p>

<p>In the Med School Forum, there is a sub-forum for international med schools, you might want to post this there. You can find that forum by going to the main page where all of the forums are listed, and scrolling down. Here is a quick link for you: [Pre-Med</a> & Medical School - College Confidential](<a href=“]Pre-Med”>Pre-Med & Medical School - College Confidential Forums)</p>