Carleton College Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

Did everyone else get that email?

If you didnā€™t receive it, please check your spam and trash folders. The subject line was ā€œStudentā€™s first name, your decision will be posted at 8 pm CT.ā€ Not sure if the decisions all come out the same time, but thinking they probably do.

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Thanks for your help!!

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Accepted as a James Woodward Strong Scholar, whatever that means!


S22 accepted! 36/1570/3.9/4.7 heavy ECs. Nice kid who belongs at Carleton without a doubt (except, well, engineering?)

In the days to come, I will have to sort this out with S22 and all of you :slight_smile: Back to the drawing board: LAC vs STEM school vs Big school.

And, perhaps most importantlyā€¦

:sparkles:S22ā€™s grandparents met at Carleton :sparkles:


Son accepted. This after rejections from Williams, Amherst, Bowdoin and Grinnell in recent days. Glad to reverse the negative momentum.


@CavsFan2003 Congrats! Again! You have so many great options :slight_smile: Whatā€™s your intended major and where are you leaning?

This was my sonā€™s last decision, and we were happy it was an acceptance. We have visited twice, and he met with a math professor one time. Now he has some great choices.


Haha thank you so much! I plan on majoring in CS. Iā€™m not sure where Iā€™m leaningā€¦ I havenā€™t even thought about it!

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Congratulations, happy for you and your son. This process has been such a rollercoaster.

Accepted. :sweat_smile:


Yay, so very happy!!! From the JH thread and other recent threads, it seems our kids are very similar (high stats, music, stem ECs, overall nice kids).

I know T20s are toughā€¦ Carleton seems to be a good fit though? Looking forward to how it turns out for your kiddo!

Thanks! You too! We havenā€™t visited but I sure hope so. :crossed_fingers:t3: Looking forward to moving forward.

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Congrats! My daughter has been discouraged after rejections from Bowdoin and Carleton and waitlists from Bates, Grinnell, and Williams - but was just accepted to Amherst. This cycle has been a wild ride!


Anyone interested in studying computer science or math at Carleton? Weā€™re interested in how Carleton stacks up against other schools in these depts.

Carleton certainly appeals in strength of undergraduate teaching! Having great profs in small classes is different from sitting in a giant lecture hall.

Being full pay at Carleton is quite an investment, one weā€™re not taking lightly in comparison to scholarships offered by other schools.

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My son is planning on studying math at Carleton, if that is the school he chooses. He was definitely the most impressed with Carletonā€™s math department of all the schools we visited. He met with a math professor and talked about the curriculum and extracurricular activities. He loves the math skills lab and how it functions as a hang out for math students. Just FYI, he has taken math through linear algebra/ differential equations, and there is plenty room for growth at Carleton.


Information in this topic further supports Carletonā€™s math department: For Students Seeking a College Strong in Mathematics.


Curious, @skcoyle321213, what is your son hoping to do with his math degree? Does he know yet?

Mine loves math, but isnā€™t sure how he wants to use it. Heā€™s toyed around with pursuing engineering, CS, and finance. Some of these fields require specific programs, so a little soul searching is going to be in order in the next couple weeks before he selects a final destination!

It may be assuring to see that all of these fields appear in this brief sampling of careers entered by math majors: Mathematics and Statistics - Hamilton College Areas of Study.


While my son is not exactly sure what he wants to do, my husband and I think heā€™ll end up being a math professor. He loves school too much to leave. Academia is more-than-likely his path. He loves solving complex math problems and was excited that Carleton has multiple problem solving clubs. As for your kid, Iā€™m an engineer, and that is a very specific path. If he is not sure about it, itā€™s probably not the right path. (My son definitely does not think like an engineer - heā€™s much more theoretical.) I know that Carleton has an engineering club with St Olaf, I think - might be a good way to explore that option and perhaps do a 3/2 program with an engineering school. I think a SLAC, like Carleton, is the perfect place for the unsure to explore. A double major (a combo of 2 - CS/math/economics) would be much easier at a SLAC than a larger school and may give him exactly what he wants.

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