<p>This is directed to current students, I guess. I've come across a few things on the Carleton website (none of which I can actually find right now...) by students that seem to suggest that the character of the school is changing. Is this true? For all I know it's just a few dissatisfied kids venting online. Carleton seems like an amazing place but I can't afford to fly to Minnesota to see it for myself. I've spoken to an alumni over the phone and she had nothing but great things to say, but is the college really moving away from it's character?</p>
<p>Could you elaborate a bit more? Changing how?</p>
<p>Hm, I guess it was just that the school isn’t as ‘quirky’ as it used to be. Apparently Schiller hasn’t been seen for awhile? And other stuff that I’m forgetting. The fact that I can’t remember much of it is pretty reassuring, haha.</p>
<p>I visited in April and I saw Schiller. Happily going there now I have to say the visit is what swung me over to Carleton.</p>
<p>Schiller is notoriously unpredictable. </p>
<p>Last seen locally just last month at graduation ceremonies. Last seen nationally on The Colbert Report.
[Carleton</a> College: Voice: Schiller Sign-Off](<a href=“http://apps.carleton.edu/voice/?story_id=648328&issue_id=647703]Carleton”>http://apps.carleton.edu/voice/?story_id=648328&issue_id=647703)
Spent an entire day bonding with our new Prankster-In-Chief, President Poskanzer, soon after he began his duties in Northfield this past fall. Story carried in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Here President P and Schiller can be seen sharing a morning’s ablution.
[Schiller</a> Lives On, But*Why? The Carl Online](<a href=“http://carlmagazine.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2010/10/10/schiller-lives-on-but-why/]Schiller”>Schiller Lives On, But Why? | The Carl Online)</p>
<p>Loss of quirk. Please. Probably “Best College Prank Ever,” or so it came to be known, just perpetrated last year. See below Goodsell Observatory, AKA R2D2.
[Kuriositas:</a> R2-D2 in College Observatory Prank](<a href=“http://www.kuriositas.com/2010/06/r2-d2-in-college-observatory-prank.html]Kuriositas:”>R2-D2 in College Observatory Prank ~ Kuriositas)
[R2-D2</a> at Carleton College - YouTube](<a href=“R2-D2 at Carleton College - YouTube”>R2-D2 at Carleton College - YouTube)</p>
<p>Heh, I got a postcard from Carleton R2-D2 on it. Thanks for the replies, it’s no longer a concern.</p>
<p>This is nice: </p>
<p>[The</a> FRIENDLIEST Colleges](<a href=“The FRIENDLIEST Colleges | HuffPost College”>The FRIENDLIEST Colleges | HuffPost College)</p>
<p>And it doesn’t even mention Dacie Moses House…!</p>
<p>I didn’t get that impression at all. I still find Carleton to be very welcoming and friendly, and the traditions listed in the link above are still pretty much in full-swing. I felt a lot more comofrtable being myself at school than I ever did at home.</p>
<p>It seems I got bad information. No more letting a few dissatisfied students speak for a whole school! Then again, if they were complaining about the 300 character limit for the Why Carleton question on the supplement I would understand… :)</p>
<p>"…if they were complaining about the 300 character limit for the Why Carleton question on the supplement I would understand… "</p>
<p>I chuckled at this - d was over a thousand characters when she realized it wasn’t going to fit so she put it in a supplemental. All her aunts, uncles and cousins have gone to either Pomona or Carleton so d wanted to break the mold and go elsewhere…anywhere else! But, I dragged her to visit and she “found her people” as they say. So her Why Carleton essay started with explaining why she was absolutely NOT going to Claremont or Northfield and how that changed.</p>