<p>hey guyz!! cud u pls help me out with this..
i got accepted into cmu and bc.. but i'm rather confused about which one to choose. both seem pretty good universities. I'm basically planning to major in business and i got into tepper and caroll school of management..
wud realli appreciate every1's view on the two!
<p>This should probably go in the College Search forum. I, personally, would go with CMU. The Boston area is great, though.</p>
<p>You should ask yourself what you want out of an environment because BC and CMU are very two different environment. I tend to think of BC being more traditional than CMU, where at CMU everyone seems to be so focused in their major.</p>
<p>I know several people at BC, and they all confirm it’s a huuge party school to the point that they get disgusted by many of the people around them even when they try to avoid that scene (not that they don’t party, just not haard core 4-5 nights a week like many people at BC according to them). I for think BC is a good school, and tough to get into, but get disappointed when I hear stories such as this from people who go there (and who do not know one another). </p>
<p>I also know somebody who just got into CMU for music and said she got a good vibe when she visited/auditioned. She said the students she met were outgoing and diverse (obviously more diverse than the predominantly white, Catholic, rich/upper-middle class students at BC). </p>
<p>It’s not like BC is sooo prestigious that you should never think of choosing CMU over it. I honeslty believe most people would be happier at a place like CMU unless you truly fit the BC stereotype…it developed that rep for a reason…(and, yes, you could find like-minded people at BC, but they are few and far between)</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>carnegie mellon</p>
<p>thankz for all the replies guyz…
coffeeaddict9716: well… i’m not exactly the hard-core partying time… but would also like partying at weekends… nd from what i have heard… carnegie has no social scene!!
but i don’t want to keep that as my top priority when picking my university…
i have also heard that bc has a very small % of intl crowd, and being an intl student, that does concern me…
moreover… does anyone has any idea how pittsburgh is??
<p>I will be attending cmu in the fall. I visited the campus. I only really have good things to say about Pittsburgh. Its a lot cleaner than it used to be, bus transportation is free for students, along with many of the museums and art attractions, there is a lot of cool cultural things, and the colleges are sectioned off so the area is pretty safe.</p>
<p>omg! i’m deciding between cmu and bc too! but everyone says cmu is much better, even though boston kicks ass. i’m so grateful for this thread…haha. also, pittsburgh is just as great of a college city as boston, though boston is just…more…of everything. </p>
<p>i’ll be visiting both and hoping for the best. but the partying thing does concern me. </p>
<p>ah, congrats and good luck! thank goodness the process is all over.
…now a new one begins! :)</p>
<p>lol… yeah…
r u an intl student 2 lightame??
and cud u pls let me know how the campus of each uni is once u visit??
n metalforever: if u have checked out the cmu campus and all… is there actually no social life??? everyone just has the sterotypical view that cmu is filled with nerds!!
thanks everyone!</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon actually places a LOT of kids on Wall Street to the surprise of many.</p>