Carnegie Mellon vs BU vs Wellesley -- International Relations Major

Hi everyone!

I finally got all my decisions back and I’m really struggling to choose a college. I wasn’t expecting to get into all these schools and I would REALLY appreciate some help deciding.

I’m majoring in International Relations in all schools. I’m going to be taking out loans anyway, so not taking finances into consideration. I got into the College of General Studies for BU, so that’s a bit different. Some advice about where would be the best would be amazing. Personally, I think I’m leaning towards CMU but still very undecided.

Wellesley: international relations
Boston University: college of general studies → international relations
CMU: politics and strategy → international relations

Here are some of the things I’m looking for:

  • school community where you can choose to both study in and go out. I want to be able to study and be in an academically centered environment but still have the opportunity to go out and have fun.

  • good connection + alumni network which will be useful in the future. I want to really be able to use going to the specific college to my advantage in the future.

  • since my family and I will be paying a lot to attend any institution, I want there to be good job opportunities. I want the price to be as worth it as possible.

  • I’m looking to do either an accelerated master’s (offered at CMU, I don’t think I can do the one at BU because of the college of general studies program) or maybe even go to law school. So, which school would benefit me most to pursue further education at a top 10 (hopefully) institution

  • I want to be in a healthy environment. I am not looking to go out a lot, and want to stay in most of the time. Can anyone who has attended or has children that have attended let me know about where I can enjoy my college experience?

  • I’m most likely not going to have a car in college, so transportation options need to be there. I know Wellesley isn’t in a city, but apparently has pretty good transport to Boston on a regular basis. The other two colleges are in cities so I’m not too worried.


  1. You shouldn’t take our loans for IR. So which is cheapest ?

  2. CGS is a spring start and London summer and very defined first two years. Does that reasonate with you ?

  3. Wellesley is female only

All things being equal CMU but know the student body will be STEM oriented but IR is great there. Then Wellesley for more mainstream but single gender.

I would not do CGS and frankly if you are taking a large loan - I would find another far more affordable school. IR = low paying outcomes or further schooling and I’m not convinced that the pedigree of the school matters.

No school is good if you have substantial debt. Period. End of story.

Ps - this is college. Not High School. It’s intense. You will learn a language. Have crazy reading.

CMU is in Pittsburgh. BU is in Boston. So those are best. But while you’ll have some time do not expect a healthy balance. It’s college!!

That said how much are they paying ? Can they afford it and if they are taking loans the answer is no.

So that tells me, despite the wonderful acceptances, unless the debt is low, please find another school!!

Ps - since you noted all guidance and info is welcome, I wanted to provide an alternative perspective.

Good luck.

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Sounds like you and your family have discussed, contemplated and made a plan regarding finances so I will honor your request and not seek to offer financial advice, respect your 3 finalists, and or avoid suggesting 11th hour changes to what seems to have been a highly successful effort . You clearly are smart and thoughtful given such a great selection of acceptances and candidly it would be both uninformed and insulting for me to assume I know your financial situation and priorities better than you and your parents. Congratulations on your success.

I honestly don’t think you can make a bad decision but each of these has some attributes that are unique. To get a sense of what you will experience perhaps you can ask admissions to put you in touch with current students with similar interests.

I would continue to actively seek out people with first hand experience (I know that is what you explicitly asked for😀) and dismiss those of us that don’t know you but wish you well.

We know some very successful international relations graduates of Wellesley. I won’t name where they are or were employed, but they are places you would recognize. The alumni network there is excellent, according to these grads.

Where do you hope to work when you graduate? As an international, you very likely will need to return to your home country. Is that where you plan to work?

I know you don’t want financial info…but any loans will need to be taken out in your home country. To get a student visa here, you will need to complete a certificate of finances showing the money to attend is available. This can include already approved loans. But you will need to show evidence of this. Some colleges require evidence of funds for all four years. I don’t know what these colleges do. But you should check.

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