Hi, I was doing a search for info about this year’s Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship process, but it looks like all the threads are from last year or before and are closed now. I’m a parent of a rising 8th grader, and we just learned that my DS was a finalist! Excited about that. Curious about the interview process now. What is it like? How long does it last? Is it just the one interview, or do they need to talk to parents or teachers or anyone else? Also, is it all leveled out at this process? All the finalists on the same footing, or does their application still weigh in?
Also, wanted to ask about doing the interview in person vs online. The two dates that they will be close by (and by “close by,” I mean a 3.5 hour drive), my son is in music camp (an additional) 2 hours away. They said Skpye interviews were possible, but I wanted to ask people’s candid opinion of whether doing it via Skype vs in-person will hurt his chances.
Thank you!