<p>Ok so heres the plan...I am DEFINATLY planning on going to medical school. There is no doubt in my mind that is what I want. However, I do not want to do the traditional route of majoring in Bio/Chemisty because truth is, that is not what i am truly interested in. Granted i will need to take them in pre-med but thats not what i want my major to be.</p>
<p>Instead, i want to major in finance and accounting. I feel that this major is a great back up plan, just in case along the way, I decide pre-med isn't for me. I also think that having a business major will be beneficial if I do end up going to medical school because having a business background is definatly important. Many doctors feel that they did not have enough of a business education in college. That plus majoring in something I enjoy will boost my GPA...a major plus for med apps.</p>
<p>So now my question is when I apply to colleges, do i apply to their CAS or Business School?</p>