Case Western Applicants Class of 2021!

Waitlisted. I don’t even know what to hope for. I have only one school remaining.

My daughter was accepted - she’s very happy! $29,500 merit scholarship. 35 ACT, 95.5 GPA, 10 APs.

We can’t seem to find the major listed anywhere… her first choice was biomedical, but not sure what she was accepted into. Are we missing it somewhere?

Congrats to all accepted! I know all of you, whether accepted at Case or not, will do great wherever you end up.

Congrats to those who were accepted and good luck to anyone going on the waitlist!! Don’t worry if you did not get accepted because I’m sure you have other great options and will have fun anywhere you go to.

$32,000 merit scholarship. A personal note from Admissions Director on the web letter.

Accepted with University Scholarship (23.5k)! 3.83 UW GPA, 1500 new SAT (770 math 730 reading), 8 AP courses and 4 honors classes, fair amount of leadership and EC’s

waitlisted. 33 ACT, good ECs, essays, recs… disappointed is an understatement. Been quite the crappy day as I was rejected to NU as well

@sciencegirl20 In the same position. Declined from 4 schools today alone. :frowning: Good luck wherever you end up, you are certainly qualified!

Accepted. International student
They have this on my fin aid letter
"Aid Duration

The financial aid outlined in your package is for one academic year. With the exception of university-provided scholarships, you must apply each academic year to receive financial aid. The retention criteria for university-provided scholarships are outlined in the General Bulletin."

I got 25k CWRU Grant. Does that count as University-provides scholarship or I have to apply for aid again next year?

Thank u

Accepted. 20k Scholarship. SAT - 1420. SAT Subjects: Math2: 800, Physics: 780, Chem: 760

@pinkmee Grants must be reapplied for each year, but it’s pretty safe to say you’ll get the same amount unless your family goes through a significant financial change

I like how CWRU gives that special ‘P.S.’’ message. :smiley:

@mageecrew When your daughter applied to CWRU, she applied to the college as a whole, not one specific major or side college. She will pick her major once she gets there. This is great as it allows students to experiment and find the major they truly enjoy



Accepted with a $21,500/year scholarship
ACT: 32.25
GPA: 3.9
I liked how they added the note on the bottom. It really made it feel like an individualized message.

Accepted with $20.5k university scholarship.
2130/2400 SAT
3.8 weighted GPA all honors and AP
national merit commended scholar

Nice personal P.S. on letter

Accepted with a $32,500/year scholarship
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.4 UW. 9.45ish on 12 point scale.
Lots of APs and ECs.

Loving this grammar @Case. “P.S. Hope your next exciting flight bring[s] you to Cleveland next fall!”

Accepted! I’m so pumped! Received 20,500$ per year scholarship; not gonna post stats because I’m not a fan of that. Congrats to everyone accepted!

Award: 23.5k on university scholar!
GPA: 3.58 weighted. 1370 SAT, 720M 650R
EC: Cap of debate, chess club, band SL, and newspaper writer.
Rec: Perfect
Essay: Great. Took 2 months.