Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

Hoping for good news from CWRU since they seem to be a lot more holistic (rather than just stats) than U of M. At this point I have given up my hopes on U of M, since I will likely have a midterm grade of a C in calculus. Every other grade should be an A for me. Either way, I think I have a much better shot at CWRU.

@Gjessi2020, not two hours yet. They said 8 PM EST.

@pachpenguin My nephew is a current sophomore at Michigan. Electrical Engineering/CS major.

He had a great application and a 1590 SAT. Michigan deferred him.

He contacted them and let them know that he was still very interested. He got admitted later during regular admission.

So, if that is your top choice, don’t give up hope! They defer a LOT of great applicants.

I love that the CWRU thread has a bunch about U of M rather than CWRU, LOL.

I was just on the Tulane thread and someone was riled up about Michigan deferring them.

I’m getting a bad feeling about this. Could use some good news today.

Case may care less about stats than UMichigan, but they have an opposite problem where they occasionally defer or deny people with really good stats.

Actually, I don’t think thats the case at all. I got accepted into UMich with a 4.32 weighted (top 9% of my class of 550 students) and with act score of 33 composite. My ec’s weren’t as great as some people but I did a lot of cultural things which I guess UMich looked for (they stated that they looked for people that could contribute to diversity) and my essays were pretty good. Overall, I think they were pretty holistic and not just “Oh, you have high stats so you’re in”

Anyways, I’m just hoping that Case will give me 30,000-full scholarship b/c nursing at UMich is too expensive :confused:

Well, I guess colleges have a hard job. Many institutional needs and many different types of students knocking on their doors. They can’t accept all the high-stats kids. Just have to get on with it if the news is bad. Life is long, and opportunities are plenty!

Wishing you all the best.

^^yea in my interview I talked a lot about diversity but also had rly good ecs (got accepted)

@yeon5seo, if you look at Michigan’s Common Data set, they list academic rigor as the most important with academic performance. Essays, and LoRs are marked as important. Everything else is in the last two catogories. If you also look at their website for their scoring sheet, everything academically is listed first. They also have residence, geographical area, and alumni relation listed as considered.
They clearly want to build a diverse class.

Additionally; that’s not low academic stats for U of M. Their average act is a 31. You had a 33… and a strong GPA. So while I agree they look at all of those factors, the most important to them are how you fared academically.

CWRU if you look at their data set, they listed extracurriculars as the most important along with academics, and then listed special talent, interview, first gen, ECT as important. They don’t consider where the applicant is from or alumni relation. They look more at the applicant as what they’re like, while U of M is looking more at the “facts” and diversity.

U of M= more stats based
CRWU= a little bit more holistic.

I hope that clear that up with you from data!

I don’t mean to derail this thread on U of M! Just comparing U of M and CWRU. Hope that helps.

40 minutes to go !!!

just watch them delay it again hahaha

@nobodycansaveme I think there would be a revolt… LOL

Ahhh I totally understand your point!! I was just shocked to see some super smart people with like perfect everything not get in, and some people that were not as good as those people academically get in so I assumed they looked at people holistically, not just by stats.
But I really do wish the best to you~

good luck everyone

15 min!! Good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

I’m so nervous rn. I can’t take this anxiety

Anyone else constantly refreshing the Applicant Portal to see if it shows the admission decision before they send out the email? Just me? :slight_smile: