Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

@equationlover thank you that is so reassuring to hear! I applied as a biology major to each of the schools. UM is my dream school too! Good luck and I really hope you get into Case and UM! Sorry about your sister! Are you twins?

@UMDreamer, we aren’t twins, but I started school later because of medical issues, so we ended up in the same grade.

@equationlover, sorry about that! I have a sister in the grade below me. You two must be very close!

@UMDreamer, actually the opposite. The home I have grown up in isn’t very supportive. To be honest, my mother is an alcoholic so it makes things very hard. She hasn’t gone to the store in two months… so we are very fourtunate to have a grandmother who helps out sometimes. Thankfully over break we are seeing my dad, so we won’t have to worry about not having food.

And I’m super happy. Our school district has a program where low income families can get “matched” with another family. So we got our Christmas early, and it’s the first time in four years that I’ve gotten new clothes. So even if I don’t get accepted into U of M, I’m fine with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck! You’ve already gotten into OSU, so I wouldn’t worry. OSU is a T40 bio school. Aslo, if you haven’t looked into it—Ohio Wesleyan has a really cool botany Program, and is strong in the biological sciences. Voted in “colleges that change lives”.

28hrs to go !!! super nervous !!

So probably 8 pm EST tomorrow?

@Dr. Reid no one is sure. Maybe. From what others have said on this thread, they said for sure by midweek.

good luck everyone!

Interestingly the Portal now has an additional option that just came in:

“Withdraw Application
Do you need to withdraw your application because you’ve committed to another University? Let us know here. Best of luck to you!”

Is this also there for others can you please confirm?

Yes, it is on my son’s portal as well

@Proudmom2023 thanks for confirming.

Here is the wording

Withdraw Application
Do you need to withdraw your application because you’ve committed to another University? Let us know here. Best of luck to you!

Is this good or bad :frowning:

I would imagine it is if you did “ED” to another school, neither good or bad.

hoping i got in!

The same text is showing up in my portal too.
I didn’t any ED or I did not accept any college admissions… confused.
May be its showing up in all applicants.

I would imagine they don’t want to admit you if you have committed ED to another school. Save that spot for someone else.

They likely added the “Withdraw” option because a lot of other schools are releasing their binding early decisions right now (like Virginia Tech) and CWRU wants to make it easy for someone to withdraw their application. They don’t want to make an offer to someone who has already heard back for early decision from another school, because that person can’t go to Case Western, so it will just hurt yield numbers.

Yes, agree with previous post. Lots of decisions, EA and ED, releasing right now including MIT, UChicago, etc. I’m sure applications are being pulled especially for those ED to other schools.

todays the day:)