Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

I also called and they said they were delayed to mid-week. Definitely not coming out today.

Just got off the phone with admissions. They said to expect decisions either wed or thurs and that they’ll send an email when applicant portals are updated.

Website said “NOTIFICATION DATE (ON OR ABOUT) December 17”
In the past it has not always been on the day

Thanks for all the sleuthing friends! Mid-week results it is. Now, how to pass the time for the next 3 days…

Chew our nails and slowly wither away in anxiety

Did anyone got the alumn interview?

@wowbears Would LOVE to know this.

I think it is showing on all applications. Mine says the same.

@wowbears and @Anninhawaii it was my understanding that you only did the alumni interview if you couldn’t meet with an actual Case Admin.

I didn’t meet any case admin and did not get the interview either…

We went for the visit and orientation, there was no mention like this, so is it necessary to meet a case admin?

We went on a visit and had scheduled an interview for when we were in campus. I thought this was pretty standard.

We should be fine. I am just killing the time. :)]

@Proudmom2023, when I called to follow up for an appointment, I was told to email the asst Admissions director. Never received a reply. I called 2 weeks later and was told the same thing. I let the woman know I’d received no reply. Our neighbor is a neurosurgeon from their med school. He offered to do an interview. The school would not allow that. Said alumni needed to he “trained”. Whatever. Per an admissions employee, the director of Admissions comes to hawaii and only meets.with students from 2 schools. I’m kind of over them. Not sure I’d want him to go there, even of it was free if this is how students are blown off.

@Anninhawaii I am so sorry to hear that

@wowbears and @Anninhawaii My daughter had an interview two weeks ago. We live in the Houston area and were unable to visit campus. I’m sorry to hear you guys had issues getting them. The alum interviewer emailed my daughter about three weeks ago, asked if she was EA and set up the interview for just a few days later.

Need to wait for 2 days :frowning:

My son called and they said the earliest would be Wednesday the 19th and it could be longer as in later in the week.

I withdrew my application yesterday afternoon because I got in to my top choice school ED. I got an email this morning that said “I’m writing to let you know that there has been an update to the status of your application to Case Western Reserve University. You can use the link below to log in to our applicant portal and review this update.” I checked my portal, saw a status update at the top of the page, and clicked on it. The update was to inform me that I withdrew :-/

I heard back from my inquiry to CWRU this morning about ED/EA notification - the plan (right now) is for emails to be sent out Wednesday.