Case Western Reserve Merit Scholarships

Has anyone been able to negotiate a larger scholarship. We received a $20K per year scholarship and I am seeing many posts with scholarships at $25 K/year and $30K/year. Will Case Western increase the merit scholarship.

Tried that two years ago. Was told “we don’t negotiate” Good luck!

I also agree it won’t work. However, if you are high need not getting extra scholarship money will not really impact the overall cost of case anyway. I know someone who originally applied to Case as a senior and later transferred (no scholarship for transfers) in. Both financial packages were about the same cost to her.

Could you share your academic stats? (GPA, ACT or SAT) I’m looking to apply at Case also (current HS Jr) but there’s no way we could afford 60K+ per year. I won’t qualify for financial need based help. I have a 33 ACT and 3.41 (unweighted) GPA taking a lot of AP courses at a challenging high school. I’m wondering what kind of merit scholarship my stats would command. Thank you.

What is your weighted GPA? Extracurriculars?

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My son was able to win an additional merit based alumni scholarship in sophomore year at Case. He has the $23,000 per year scholarship as well. I do not know yet the amount of the additional scholarship, he had to proactively apply for it in sophomore year, and apparently these scholarships are plentiful. There are many opportunities to work at Case, both in labs, tutoring students and in local area companies. In addition, some students do a co op program, which pays for everything the scholarship does not cover, but that means lengthening out the four year program and leaving campus, potentially for several semester, possibly. This could pay the entire cost of a Case education.

I have no idea if they would increase anything, but if I were to try, and you were definite about going if the scholarship was increased I would tell them that. But only say it if it is true. But on the other hand, if they have enough people accept admittance they would not need to up your scholarship.

It seems like so many get scholarships. I read on another post about someone accepted off the wait list who received a scholarship. My daughter accepted by no merit aid (and minimal need based). Is it worth us asking? She has ACT 30, Weighted GPA about 4.5 and is a girl going into engineering which I thought would help!

Yes…wait until the last week of April when they are preparing to give money to kids on the waitlist…they would much rather just give it to you and not have to accept another student

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@dvgbhs - that doesn’t make sense. Why would they give up another tuition AND give away more money? Many of the waitlist kids have higher stats than the ones accepted EA and RD - that is why they are being offered the merit scholarships.

Which works out better for Case?

Situation A: drmom31 decides not to go, they give the kid off the waitlist 15k a year, Case gets 45k a year. Case accepts 2 students total in the situation.

Situation B: drmom31 decides to go and negotiates for 15k merit aid. Case gets 45k a year. Case accepts 1 student total.

Asked financial aid person, she said they don’t give out scholarships after admission decision but there is opportunity to apply for subsequent years. We did get a decent grant but unfortunately, will probably not qualify for need based aid after this year (we have 2 in private Univ this year only) so I will have her apply if she goes to Case. Every little bit helps!

The Case Alumni scholarship amounts vary, the student has to apply in the sophomore year, and without financial hardship, the additional amount was $1000 /semester for a total of an extra $4000. Some students got more. So this can boost the amount of the scholarship, once a student is at Case and doing well, and willing to write the essay to win this additional money. Also, co op programs for engineering majors pay good salaries. Some Case students fund their entire education with pay they earn themselves. It lengthens the education to five years, but it pays for itself. Students take semesters working at Cleveland companies. Then they may have offers from these firms upon graduation as well.

Great input … thanks. My daughter has decided it is her top school so I am still debating whether to ask. I did inquiry during the admitted students day and was told you could appeal the scholarship level but you needed a major change in your application status.

I tried calling last week about need-based aid (on top of the $25k merit scholarship offered) on the grounds that the NPC projected about $7K more in total with or withour merit money. Also mentioned offers from comparable schools (Rochester and Brandeis) that virtually mirrored their own NPC projections and beat Case by at least 5K. It was a short conversation with zero gained. Case is DS’ first choice and relatives have offered to help make up the first year difference, so all is good. But if my wife and I were not confident that our combined income will be much higher two years from now, making Case’s advantage in merit aid very important, Case may very well been ruled out by this discrepancy. Brusque conversations with FA aside, we love the school and couldn’t be happier that our son will be attending. Moral of the story: ask, but don’t hold your breath!

Depending on what they are studying, Case Juniors/Seniors are eligible for Alumni Scholarships so that may helpin the future.

I just gave up my full ride so hopefully someone else will benefit :slight_smile:

@bubblet what were your stats for a full ride? Did you submit any extra merit scholarship essays for case or did they just give you a full ride? I was wondering if its worth it writing the merit scholarship essays for case if I can just already get good scholarships from my stats. Thanks!

Last post was in July 2015 and there were only 35 for the poster in total. Seems unlikely there will be a response.

My son got a 29.5K scholarship, ACT 35 and the 4 point plus grade point. SInce they don’t scholarship match he is looking at the schools with better offers. I was going to call to see about matching ( worked for my Daughter at a different school) but after reading this it looks like a futile exercise. It is still early, but it is engineering and according to the WSJ who tracked pay- elite Engineering school graduates make an average of 5K more than graduates from non elite schools. They were surprised-but then math is math. In Business and Liberal Arts the differences were sizable.