Catholic University Class of 2024

My son received the same email and now we wait until 7:00 pm. Best of luck to all of us and our kids!

ACT: 32
Weighted GPA: 4.2

Does anyone know when to expect to find out about scholarship opportunities?

My daughter was accepted! I inboxed admissions via IG and they said it will be in the mailed packet that went out today.

D was accepted . 30 ACT and 3.75 UW. She is very excited. Now we hope for merit!

Ooof, denied. His gpa was low for engineering, but his ACT was very high so we were hoping for the best. Though it wasn’t one of his top picks, it still stings. Congrats to all who got good news!

Son was accepted. Hoping to hear about Honors Program in the mailed packet. Thanks to @Flutistmama for the information from admissions re: the mailed packet :slight_smile:

Portal letter received had honors program invitation.

I would really appreciate it if anyone who got accepted could post their weighted gpa and standardized test scores. My D did not get in and I’m curious as to why. She’s in good shape with four offers from equal or higher ranked schools but smh on this one a bit. thanks

My D was accepted with the following stats:

3.73 WGPA -every class that she took was honors or AP and she is taking all college courses during her senior year.

1240 SAT

Music major

D accepted:

4.23 weighted gpa

1420 SAT



D was accepted. 3.9 W, 3.75UW, 30 ACT
Psych major

@fsudad2022 I’m sure the rejection stings, but happy that she has other choices. I always tell my daughter to love the school that loves you.

@fsudad2022 DS accepted: 4.4 WGPA, 1520 SAT, Civil Engineering & Honors Program - waiting to see about merit aid - I don’t know what your daughter’s interests are but we were also very happy to send our oldest to St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA for English, her now-husband studied Chemistry there. Another son attended Loyola Baltimore for Engineering and liked being in the city but financial aid wasn’t nearly as good as St. Vincent. Rejection never feels good but she will find the right fit!

not sure if that’s good or bad for CUA.
3.65 GPA
26 ACT
Really good ecs
All honors, AP or dual enrollment classes
English major
It seems like this year was really competitive. Thinking about doing ED II

We got our honors invitation in the portal

Does anyone know when you hear if you are being considered for the archdiocesan scholarship? Would we hear in the acceptance letters and merit letters coming out this week?

The first round of Archdiocesan Scholarship nominees will be notified in early January. There will be 18 nominees from the early admit pool.

D20 was accepted to Pre-nursing Exploratory Program with $32k scholarship ($27K merit, $1k legacy and $4k parish). Applied EA, 94.4/100 GPA, 1250 SAT, NY

@Lastone2020 did you get your letter in the mail today or was it in the portal. I live 30 miles outside of DC and have received nothing other than the portal acceptance.

@Flutistmama My daughter received a packet in the mail today.