Catholic University Class of 2024

My kid got denied for Orchestral Instrumental performance major, (12/17) BEFORE he even got the opportunity to audition, which REALLY sucked. It STUNG. He’s gotten into EVERY music school program where he has auditioned…every. single. one. 7 out of 7. Being denied for a music major before even given the chance to audition??? How does THAT work? That did not really sit well with us at all and put CUA, which WAS his first choice, in a very bad light. When a school looks at the stats of STEM students in the same way it does for Performing Arts, that is not good. I hope in the future, CUA takes into consideration that Music Majors and Engineering majors should NOT be clumped into the same pool when you’re looking at grades and test scores. I’m not mad, though, cause my kid ended up exactly where he needs to be, with incredible scholarships & grants from Duquesne University, which is rated higher than CUA or Catholic Universities of America’s list… well. on EVERY list out there. Have had wonderful experiences EVERY single time we visited Pittsburgh. CUA should take notes. So thanks for denying my son. You missed out on a wonderfully talented kid. Like I always tell my kid, and I’ve seen on here, “Go to a school that loves and wants YOU”.

Thank you very much for the nice note that you sent. Our audition season is completed, and I wanted to tell you that it was a pleasure for me to meet you and hear you play. You are a very talented clarinetist and musician, and you were among our top choices for our undergraduate program. In addition, I know that XXXX, of our Music Technology department, was also impressed with your application…

Email my kid received from the department chair at Duquesne.

Thank GOD that you didn’t want him (well, you didn’t even give him a chance or get to know him) but Duquesne did! Rome School of Music’s Loss. Mary Pappert School of Music’s Gain.

Pass it on @AlfTupper and let the Maestro, head of Orchestral Instruments department, know that admissions messed up and he didn’t get a chance to even hear this kid whom HE recommended. Every other Music School within a university setting, waited for audition results BEFORE making a final determination, as it SHOULD be for Performing Arts Major. Thanks for passing it on. And this may fall on deaf ears, but I got it off my chest (obviously i was still a bit salty about it ? ) and I will sleep better tonight knowing that I’ve said it and someone from CUA read it.

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Have the phone calls been made to students for the second round of the Archdiocesan Scholarship?

Thank you!

The nomination review was completed this week. 15 students were selected for the faculty interview stage of the ArchD evaluation process. For this round, those nominated have a special letter included in their admission packets. So students will know whether they were selected immediately upon receiving the mail.

Scholarship and ArchD nomination information is not available through the Admission portal - only the admission decision.


So can I conclude that those student from early admission/decision that did not receive a call in the first round were also not chosen in the second round? Or will they receive a letter in the mail?

Thank you.

My son got in! Anyone know when FA awards will be out?

GeauxTigersMom - one student from early action was selected as part of this round. That student has been notified.

piepiepie3 - for students who have completed the financial aid application process, packages will be mailed on Wednesday or Thursday of this coming week (March 18/19).

The maestro from the music department contacted my daughter by email on Thursday stating they wanted to discuss scholarships and then crickets. This waiting game was already stressful and this added another layer. I will be happy when it’s all over!

Every disappointment is a blessing . Sorry you have to endure the wait . Maybe you can find a blessing in there as we did with his denial ! When you DO talk to the Maestro, tell him the clarinetist from DE who played for him in DYSO said hi ? ? The Maestro is a wonderful man and musician . Awesome conductor . My kid loved playing in the orchestra for him ! So the blessing is your flutist gets to play for him .

Not mad anymore, though, cause Duquesne has been sooooo on the ball with everything . My kid was never left wondering or waiting . The acceptance came in the form of a personalized video from the department chair and students!!. Super ?.

Hope you hear something soon and get your blessings out of the disappointment . And here’s hoping your flutist gets a great financial aid/scholarship package . The end is near but the wait CAN be grueling . Praying you don’t have to wait too much longer .

Have all scholarship awards already been released with FA statements?

Students who were selected to receive an academic merit scholarship received that notification with their admission decision. For students who applied for need-based financial assistance, their academic scholarships are included with their need-based package.

just wondering if you knew if anyone has been contacted for the Bishop O’Connell Scholarship yet ?

The initial review for the Father O’Connell Scholarship should wrap up this week or the beginning of next week at the latest. Students selected as finalists will be contacted next week to arrange for their interview, which will take place via Skype.

Thank you fingers crossed

For all those going to Catholic in the Fall congrats! My niece goes there and loves it!

Just to update - D20 made her deposit for CUA on Friday. Looking forward to the next 4 years at CUA.