CBHP "additional" Scholarship

<p>On several occasions I have seen mention of an additional scholarship for CBHP kids who are not NMFs. I was wondering if anyone can confirm this, or perhaps it is a thing of the past. Are your kids currently receiving anything, or was there mention of this is any of the literature?</p>

<p>We are so thankful for everything we have received, but as we start to crunch the numbers for next year, we know that every little bit counts.</p>


<p>My son, who is a NMF, did not receive any additional monies, but he does have some friends who do. They got them as part of their package as freshmen. </p>

<p>Don’t know what your student has as his/her major, but I would strongly encourage him/her to apply for the prestigious national scholarships available – Hollings, Goldwater, Truman, Mitchell/Marshall/Rhodes, etc. Those scholarships, in most cases, carry nice monetary awards. Also, check for departmental scholarships. Some have very nice scholarships for upperclassmen.</p>

<p>She currently has the Presidential and also the Engineering Scholarships. We will definitely look into those others you mentioned.</p>

<p>Just to clarify…those scholarships that Momreads mentioned aren’t for freshmen. Typically you have to be a rising junior or senior. </p>

<p>The year that CBH awarded some extra money was to the frosh who started Fall '10. I don’t know if that was something that they had funds for only that year or what. You might email Dr. Sharpe and ask.</p>