CBHP and Fellows Interview Travel Question

<p>I recall reading that if our kids are selected to interview for Fellows, the school will fly them down and interview them, picking them at the airport and getting them where they need to go. Is this the same for CBHP? </p>

<p>I have a relative who’s ill. I want to make plans to go see her during the weekend the interviews will likely be held (according to posts here) but my child comes first, so won’t commit to my own plans before I know he’ll be taken care of.</p>

<p>I know UFE will provide airport transportation and get the candidates everywhere they need to be for the weekend. Parents are included in a number of UFE weekend events so I encourage you to attend if possible. Good luck!</p>

<p>UFE did not pay for flights last year, a parent or parents could and did fly in with their students and stay w/them (parent and student in the same room) at the Hotel Capstone. Room cost for the UFE interview was covered by UFE. If you added additional nights last year the Hotel Capstone honored UFE/University pricing upon request. Disclaimer: I have no idea if this is the same this year and would suggest you call the coordinator below who is a very helpful lady.</p>

<p>Wellon Bridgers
391 E Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:wlbridgers@ua.edu”>wlbridgers@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Hotel Capstone
320 Paul w Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
(205) 752-3200</p>

<p>I believe CBHP does fly in/pay for the students flight and the students hotel room with 1 or 2 other students (up to 3 in each room) all have own beds based on what I have previously read on this site but hopefully a CBHP parent or student can chime in on that.</p>

<p>Our son is CBHP. During last years interview CBHP reimbursed us for his flight. We received a letter that allotted a very generous amount for the flight. It more than covered the cost of the flight so we didn’t use the entire allotment. They provided airport transportation and lodging at the Hotel Capstone at no cost to us. Meals were provided as well. We did send enough money for snacks, cokes, airport food, etc.</p>

<p>crimsonmomtobe- did you or your husband go with your student to the CBHP interveiw weekend?</p>

<p>vlines: I traveled with my son in February, 2009 to the CBHP finalist weekend, as he had never flown alone before. While he did his interviews, stayed at the Capstone, etc., I just hung out in T-Town and did lesson plans for work.</p>

<p>vlines: I drove with my D to the CBHP interview last year. She stayed at the Capstone and I stayed at the Hampton Inn. The students were busy with activities the whole time. The “interview” was on the last day IIRC. Just a few questions. </p>

<p>If you go to the interview weekend, you will be on your own. If you send you child by airplane, Mrs. Batson will probably be one of the people that picks them up at the airport. She is very sweet, just as sweet as you would want her to be.</p>

<p>I do have a suggestion. Don’t look at the other CBH interviewees as competition. Look at them as potential friends and colleagues. My D found her current roommate at CBH weekend. </p>

<p>Good luck to all.</p>

<p>As Cuttlefish123 mentioned, view the other interviewees as potential friends and classmates rather than competition. For those that make it to the finalist interview weekend, UA has all but officially admitted you into CBHP/UFE and is just trying to see if a) you are the same type of person as presented in your application aka a great fit for the program and b) work well with the other finalists. </p>

<p>Best of luck and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Seatide - I thought they invited maybe 55 kids to finalist weekend. Are they expecting that there will be 15 or so kids that end up not going to UA? That would almost have to be the case if they’ve all but officially admitted the finalists, right? Just curious.</p>

<p>Since many finalists will also have competitive offers from other schools, UA doesn’t expect that all finalists will attend UA. In addition, there are sometimes some finalists whom UA feels are no longer a good fit for the program(s) based on the visit. My advice is to go to the interview weekend happy and open to meeting new people and trying new things. That said, be yourself. The interviewers want to meet the real you, especially since they will see be seeing you multiple times a day for the next 3-4 years.</p>

<p>*I thought they invited maybe 55 kids to finalist weekend. Are they expecting that there will be 15 or so kids that end up not going to UA? That would almost have to be the case if they’ve all but officially admitted the finalists, right? *</p>

<p>CBH does NOT invite all of the 55 finalists to join…that’s the point of the weekend…to narrow down the final list to 40 chosen students.</p>

<p>That said, for some reason, even tho a few of the 40 may end up going elsewhere, CHB doesn’t overselect. Instead, if there are a few open spots, those are filled in May/June or as needed.</p>

<p>CBHP does select more students than it can hold, but only by a very small amount, say 2-3 students. If spots are open, students are taken off the waitlist. Note that finalists not selected for CBHP may or may not be put on the waitlist. Also, while UA prefers there to be only 40 students per year in CBHP, the actual limit is slightly higher.</p>

<p>if i remember correctly another piece of advise… even when doing other things outside of the interviews, continue to be on your best behavior, try new things etc…but remember that all interactions you have may be considered.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard how steep the competition is this year? 200, 400 or more applications?</p>

<p>Sent from my Susan’s iPhone using CC</p>

<p>Sniner- completely off topic, but I have to tell you that every time I see your screen name, I automatically read it is “Sinner” not “Sniner”. Makes me do a double take and chuckle every time- you think I would be used to it by now!</p>

<p>I fear you may not be the only one who thinks that when they think of me. I am so misunderstood. </p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>I had heard a month or so ago that there were almost 700 applicants for UFE this year. I believe last year they narrowed the pool to 100 for the phone interviews; then about 60 were invited for on campus interviews and around 34 invited to join UFE with approx. 31 accepting for this year’s class.
Suggestions for phone interview: I recall most kids saying the interview lasted under 10 minutes last year but don’t be alarmed if it only goes for 5 or if it goes for more than 10. Time was not a predictor of who got invited for the on campus interview. Prepare for the basics questions: tell us about yourself, know what you wrote on your essays; they may ask you to tell more about something you mentioned. Speak up, speak clearly, and be brief but detailed in your responses. RELAX and enjoy the process…they really just want to get to know you more.
Suggestions for the on-campus interview: Again, RELAX and be yourself but remember you are being observed in each situation.Contribute to conversations at the social functions and meals but do not monopolize them. There will most often if not at all times be someone currently affiliated w/UFE in any group you are with, they want and need to talk to and get to know everyone. Dress appropriately; they will tell you what for each function. Be on time. Once again know your essays; be able to talk about your interest and goals for the future, what contributions you made in high school that are unique or allowed you to stand out; how you plan to carry that forward. As others have mentioned look at the weekend as a time to meet and interact w/others, it is a wonderful opportunity to make your first and sometimes lasting friends at UA. Also keep in mind that any interview is a two way street, you want the weekend to be an opportunity for you to determine if the program is a good fit for you as much as UFE wants to see if you are a good fit.
Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>vlines - we didn’t travel with our son to the interview. He flew out on his own. Jane Batson, CBHP staff, and her husband met him at the airport. They are two kind and gifted people. On that airport run, there were two van loads full of applicants traveling alone. </p>

<p>The UA staff, as discussed previously, do want to interview the students to determine appropriate program fit. Although the others are in competition for the 40 slots, our son felt that CBHP staff observed them to determine their interaction with the other students. In actuality, he found two of his three suitemates who are also CBHP, that weekend. They are great guys. </p>

<p>I had no problems with him traveling to the interview on his own. We had visited campus twice prior to the interviews, met with staff and strenuously reviewed the classes available in his degree plan as well as the benefits to CBHP. Our son, like many other students whose parents are on this forum, turned down multiple free rides to other prestigous Universities. He stated that he felt like UA gave him opportunities that other schools didn’t afford their students, and that CBHP had big dreams and a strong plan to achieve them. He has felt the same way ever since. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

With all due respect, being invited to UFE or CBHP interviews by no means that you are basically accepted to either program. For UFE we invite up 50 students out of the original pool of applicants, (this year roughly 700 applied, out of the roughly eligible 1000 students) and of the 50 invited for interview around 30 will be selected. There is no guarantee of being invited into a program just because you are given an interview.</p>

<p>Bamabuddy: Hi and welcome, I gather that you are somehow involved in the selection process for UFE.</p>

<p>I agree with you, that being invited does not guarantee you a place. I am more familiar with CBHP and feel that they are looking for the best fit between student and program. CBHP candidates will be required to take classes, do projects and interact with their fellow CBH’ers for three plus years. That is a huge commitment, so they do not choose lightly, they choose wisely. The administrators, professors, staff and students will all be evaluating each candidate, so act accordingly. Be yourself, put your best foot forward but don’t be phony, you want to enjoy your time as a CBH’er. After visiting, you may decide that the program is not right for you.</p>

<p>In the past CBH has paid an allowance for travel, and they have supplied a hotel room for participants(shared). Look at the Honors website, it states that there are NO scheduled activities for parents. The weekend really is for the prospective students. </p>

<p>If your student has not traveled (flown) by themselves before, this is a good time to let them spread their wings and try (pun intended).</p>